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suggestions part 2

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  • suggestions part 2

    pulled from a thread i made on the ea forms:

    Originally posted by RogerSmith111111
    i changed my other suggestions and added some more.

    1. Mixed map cycles in Special Forces
    2. Spawn point teammate count on spawn GUI
    3. Kit amounts on kit GUI, squad GUI and scoreboard
    4. In manage squad, players already on a squad show up green
    5. Commander can talk to unassigned & close quarters communication channel
    6. Jet throttle
    7. Land and sea vehicle speed, slow down key & stamina regeneration
    8. Disable tanks & helicopters
    9. Repelling

    1. Special Forces servers should be able to play Battlefield 2 maps; with or without the grappling hook and zip line. This is not just an issue of the amount of time it takes to switch games; it’s an issue of map variety on Special Forces servers. It seems lame that it’s called an expansion, yet the standard maps are taken away. This could be done with a new filter for Special Forces called mixed maps. With the filter checked, only servers with both types of maps on the map cycle would be displayed and with it unchecked, only the battlefield 2 servers and Special Forces servers would be displayed. Also people that own battlefield 2 but not Special Forces should not have to look at Special Forces servers in their browser, that’s just rude!

    2. Show how many people are spawning at a spawn point on the spawn GUI with a number next to the point. If everyone is going to spawn on the deck, I would like to know about it so I can spawn elsewhere. This is especially important at the beginning of a round. Also it would be nice if translucent friendly players were displayed on the spawn GUI like unoccupied vehicles are now.

    3. When checking what kits my squad and team have, I often find a skull where if they were alive it would be their kit. On the squad GUI and scoreboard put the dead in red and alive in blue, so that we can still see the kit symbol regardless of if they are dead or alive. It would also be good to know how many of a given kit are on the entire team, this info would go on the kit selection GUI next to each kit.

    4. Change the manage squad colors so that players already on a squad would show up green, regardless of weather they are living or dead. This would save a lot of headache.

    5. The commander should be able to talk directly to unassigned via the standard voip button. Unassigned can’t talk back to them to maintain squad leader communication. Also, a new communication channel should be implemented that is for people that are close to you. This serves two purposes, it makes vehicle communication less troublesome and gives the player the opportunity to talk smack to enemy, whether dead or alive. Think of the possibilities, commander and unassigned can talk directly to the friendly units that are around them. Also, it wouldn’t matter who jumps in the attack helicopter with you, because you can talk directly to them without managing squads. These additions would not create too much communication because unassigned can mute commander and the close quarters channel would only be active when people are close to you.

    6. A throttle on the jet would make sense because of the nature of jet flight. The throttle would have positive and negative amounts, as well as a neutral in the middle. Pressing forward increases throttle, pressing backward decreases throttle. That way you wouldn’t have to hold forward to go full speed or tap forward to go half speed.

    7. In general, all land and sea vehicles are to slow. I am not suggestion they be as fast as jets by any means, but I am saying that their max speed is grossly inadequate. Also, a slow down key in place of boost would give gunners a more steady aim than full speed and still give the driver some room to maneuver. Infantry stamina should regenerate more quickly when stopped to simulate “catching ones breathe” and to give infantry more of a chance to flee a fight.

    8. Hitting the tail rooter of a helicopter with an explosive should remove the pilot’s ability to steer; it would be the same as when the pilot gets shot out while flying yet he is sitting there still. Hitting the tracks of a tank with an explosive should make the tank drive in circles around the busted track and not drive at all if both are blown. Tracks and tail rooters could be repaired by engineers, but attack helicopters wouldn’t get the chance unless they are grounded. This would greatly improve the importance of the anti-tank class. As is, a c4 jeep is more likely to kill a tank than a lone anti-tank guy.

    9. Passengers on transport helicopters should be able to jump out close to the ground without injury by repelling out. It’s frustrating when someone fly’s close to the ground and I can’t bail because I won’t have time to open my parachute.

  • #2
    Re: suggestions part 2

    These are great ideas, but they would slow game play down alot.
    Also who spent 50 bucks to repair tail rotors?


    • #3
      Re: suggestions part 2

      My suggestion:
      Never attempt to shave your unmentionables with a zippo. It's just wrong.


      • #4
        Re: suggestions part 2

        Originally posted by Az-Amerikai
        These are great ideas, but they would slow game play down alot.
        Also who spent 50 bucks to repair tail rotors?
        by they i assume you mean idea 8? because no other idea has a negative effect on game speed.

        the only real chance someone would have to repair a tail rooter is in a transport helicopter, in an attack helicopter you would lose control and have no way of repairing it while up there. transport heli crews already got the whorish 3 enginiers in back, so they would be fixing it while repairing the heli. the only thing this would slow is a tank.

