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Supplying or Healing the Other Team

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  • Supplying or Healing the Other Team

    When you drop a bag of supplies as Support, or a med kit as a Medic, can the other team pick them up for supplies and health? If so, is there a point consequence? It occurred to me as I was dropping supplies near our Commander Assets that I might be unwittingly suppliying the other side's special forces with C4.

  • #2
    Re: Supplying or Healing the Other Team

    The other team can pick it up, of course :P Don't know about the points though.


    • #3
      Re: Supplying or Healing the Other Team

      Medic and Ammo bags on the ground will show up on the 3d map for both teams, and either team can pick them up. You get 1pt for every 100 FRIENDLY health/ammo points healed. An enemy picking up a health/ammo bag that you dropped results in neither a bonus nor a penalty.



      • #4
        Re: Supplying or Healing the Other Team

        Enemy supply and first aid do not show up with the icons like friendly ones do - from what i have seen in the 3d map. You can still use them - you just cant spot them from a mile away with that icon.


        • #5
          Re: Supplying or Healing the Other Team

          If you play Karkand you can see the health and ammo icons being dropped on the other side of the tin fencing. Also giving away your/enemy position, so you can lob nades/c4 over the top or shoot through the fence, or run out the street way around the fence and shoot a few in the back while they're staring through the gap in the fence. (MEC or USMC).

