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BF2 Battlerecorder vs first person view

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  • BF2 Battlerecorder vs first person view

    I find it weird that EA didnt included the first person view in the battlerecorder. I know, only 3rd person view possible... But by any chance, does anyone of you know any trick (exept Fraps) to go around that problem?

    Why not Fraps, simple, my pc slows down too much with it to have proper gameplay. I dont have a gaming monster right now.

    Also, its not really practicle to try to replay the exact gameplay for 3 different view of the same action with fraps.. Since it only works while really playing with the first person view on BF2.In Demo mode it is impossible.

    Why stop on 3rd person view? Anyone know how to resolve this problem?

  • #2
    Re: BF2 Battlerecorder vs first person view

    Like I was wondering here:



    • #3
      Re: BF2 Battlerecorder vs first person view

      Originally posted by LTTearstone
      I find it weird that EA didnt included the first person view in the battlerecorder. I know, only 3rd person view possible... But by any chance, does anyone of you know any trick (exept Fraps) to go around that problem?

      Why not Fraps, simple, my pc slows down too much with it to have proper gameplay. I dont have a gaming monster right now.

      Also, its not really practicle to try to replay the exact gameplay for 3 different view of the same action with fraps.. Since it only works while really playing with the first person view on BF2.In Demo mode it is impossible.

      Why stop on 3rd person view? Anyone know how to resolve this problem?
      Since you are new here I'm going to say anything except... use the search button- not doing so and creating a thread similar to another will result in negative consequences.


      • #4
        Re: BF2 Battlerecorder vs first person view

        It would have taken just as long to answer the question, search never works anyway all you get is threads about the same topic with people like you replying 'Do a Search!'


        • #5
          Re: BF2 Battlerecorder vs first person view

          There is known way to solve this "problem", but yes, I find it weird too that DICE didn't think one step further and put that 1st person view in.

          Altogether I'm very disappointed when it comes to the BattleRecorder, it's such a pain.


          • #6
            Re: BF2 Battlerecorder vs first person view

            Originally posted by FusioN[90thSFG]
            Since you are new here I'm going to say anything except... use the search button- not doing so and creating a thread similar to another will result in negative consequences.
            Considering that vBulletin's search button is a piece of crap I doubt you would get many results.

            I just did a search and guess what, this is the only thread about first person view in battle recorder.

            It would ave been good to have first person view in battlerecorder but like the rewind feature that's not there they don't seam to have put it in.


            • #7
              Re: BF2 Battlerecorder vs first person view

              Micro$oft can... o_O

