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The Old Ranking System

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  • The Old Ranking System

    did a search, couldn't find the concrete answer i was looking for. . .

    So i enlisted in bf2 in June, right around release date. I've finally made it to Gunnery Sergeant, yay for me

    anywho, my brother has only been playing since early december, and he's already about to reach Staff Sergeant.

    I give him a ton of crap about his his rank means nothing after the " big overhaul " in the ranking system, but lately , i've been having trouble remembering the overhaul.

    ther WAS an overhaul . . . . right ?

    I couldn't find documentation of it anywhere, but i know that it took me ages to reach the early ranks ( pfc, lance corp., corp, etc) and it ****es me off that my buddies all have reached those ranks within a period of a few weeks.

    any other "vets" out there remember this ? experience the same kind of ****edoffedness to your buddies who flew through the ranks ?

  • #2
    Re: The Old Ranking System

    yeah, i jumped there ranks after that patch


    • #3
      Re: The Old Ranking System

      i liked it. When it happened i went from corporal to 1st sgt. i went from having 8500 as the corporal to 8500 as a first sgt, so i had more than just 1 unlock. much better because now we will have a few officers and alot of sgt majors and than some of the lower ranks instead of having all corprals and sgt.'s, and it is much better than having only 1 upgrade. so if you arent pleased than go ahead and uninstall the patch(if that takes your rank back) and tell us how happy you are with 1 unlock.
      btw i just reached sgt. major so i am really happy.


      • #4
        Re: The Old Ranking System

        I don't care about ranks or stats the only thing I wanted was unlocks. Therefore the new system is a lot better as otherwise it would take for ever to get these unlocks.


        • #5
          Re: The Old Ranking System

          Its all about the unlocks for me too. Who cares about a silly ol' badge with which you can become commander


          • #6
            Re: The Old Ranking System

            Personally I wish they would take out the rank system because all it does is ruin teamwork. It makes people just think about themselves and try to get all the points alone.


            • #7
              Re: The Old Ranking System

              i'm by no means bitching.

              i'm just enjoy giving my brother crap about how i guess . . . pfc through staff sergeant ? - "aren't what they used to be" - - "it doesn't mean anything man . . . "

              it's a good time had by all ! just looking for a concrete answer as to what exactly changed in the ranking system.

