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bf2 special forces not opening.....

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  • bf2 special forces not opening.....

    hi just got sf,when you clik on the shortcut to play the game notthing hapends it says the item b2.exe shortcut has changed and will no longer work properley,i can play bf2 whith sf in the drive.and the maps for sf that you can click on to join a game have gone.bf2 works great......

  • #2
    Re: bf2 special forces not opening.....

    well bf2.exe shortcut has changed means it is moved and didnt know where the main bf2.exe is at. So right click it go to properties and find the correct exe or go to the bf2 sf folder and make a new shorcut off of the main exe on your desktop.


    • #3
      Re: bf2 special forces not opening.....

      hi when i right click it does the same thing,then i click on bf2xpack{dvd}drive start bf2;sf it does nothing please help hoe do i play this game?it install ok


      • #4
        Re: bf2 special forces not opening.....

        As GSF-JaXx said.....

        When you right-click on the desktop shortcut it will tell you the location of the BF2.exe file.
        Make sure that this location is correct.

        Can you not just insert the SF cd and double-click on the exe file on the cd ?


        • #5
          Re: bf2 special forces not opening.....

          when i right click on the desktop shortcut it cant find says shortcut has changed and it wont work.wot shourd the shortcut say too load the game.


          • #6
            Re: bf2 special forces not opening.....

            astonkiller, search your harddrive for the file bf2.exe

            If you can't find it then it means that BF2 is no longer installed on your computer.


            • #7
              Re: bf2 special forces not opening.....

              thair both there bf2 and bf2;sf. .still playing bf2.bf2 loads up whith the bf2;sf dvd.


              • #8
                Re: bf2 special forces not opening.....

                And when you try the .exe file on the SF cd what happens?


                • #9
                  Re: bf2 special forces not opening.....

                  theres no .exe file for sf only bf2.exe

