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Battlefield 2 flickering textures

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  • Battlefield 2 flickering textures

    I dont know if this is a repost but this bug is driving me crazy :
    I have this problem with both a x600 and a eax850 xt pe ;
    I have flickering textures, like a shadow that shouldnt be there...
    it appears on grenades mainly, but in the map Dalian Plant it appears on the windows and on most guns. I've tried every catalyst and every omega driver but it doesn't help What i have noticed is i dont have the problem when i dont update my battlefield, so when you've just installed it and havent downloaded any updates yet...

    So i hope someone can help me, and won't say ;

    Me : i've got a eax850 xt pe

    EA : Well these are the graphiccards suited for this game :
    well you know the list... bloody morans :P

    Thnx so much in advance...

  • #2
    Re: Battlefield 2 flickering textures

    flickering textures, shadow that shoulddnt be there.

    If you turn down your settings is it still there?

    if so then i would say its either your install of bf2(reinstall but delete bf2 folder after uninstall), or some mesh isnt loading and makes a glich. (donno how to solve)
    another possibility is that your card is overheating...


    • #3
      Re: Battlefield 2 flickering textures

      ok, im ALMOST positive its your drivers. This sort of thing happens when your drivers dont work right with a game. What drivers are you using?


      • #4
        Re: Battlefield 2 flickering textures

        thnx for the quick reply, if i was gay i'd kiss you :P

        im using the latest omega driver now, and before the 5.13 catalyst


        • #5
          Re: Battlefield 2 flickering textures

          and my card isnt overheating... the gpu itself gets 55 tops when i play for like 6 hours and the surrounding area of the gpu gets 63 ... or is this too hot ? anyways when i start the game it's there also so then its like around 40 degrees celcious


          • #6
            Re: Battlefield 2 flickering textures

            so do you get flickering textures anymore? and usually the surrounding area is cooler than the GPU itself, but w/e. 55 is pretty good if its at full load.


            • #7
              Re: Battlefield 2 flickering textures

              yes thats the problem everything is updated and i get this flickering... it appears on the top of a grenade on the silver part... or on windows or on blackhawks :P its so annoying... so i've tried ati 5.13 and the latest omega driver im on the latest omega driver now.. still flickering


              • #8
                Re: Battlefield 2 flickering textures

                well as for the grenade, I get that too, with my nvidia 6800gs. I dont know why, I tried a bunch of diffferent drivers and if i remember correctly it did it on all the drivers. The only other flickering I get is on windows from far far away, on DALIAN PLANT. If I had a guess I would say its the patch...


                • #9
                  Re: Battlefield 2 flickering textures

                  uhu, because i dont have it on 1.03 par example...
                  but it really gets bad on some it's annoying my ass off :P
                  but you have the nade to and what do you mean by windows ??


                  • #10
                    Re: Battlefield 2 flickering textures

                    oh lol windows yeah of the building i have that too !!!! but the problem is i have it to some times on my scar-L and m16.... so i think its the patch....
                    somebody stop me from bombing the dice building please...


                    • #11
                      Re: Battlefield 2 flickering textures

                      ok by windows i meant, from far away the windows on some of the building have moving black lines and flicker and junk. the nade, isnt that bad, its just some little black moving lines on the silver part. And sometimes it doesnt even happen. a lot of people have these problems and it most likely because of the patch, so just hold on until 1.3 and pray they fix it.


                      • #12
                        Re: Battlefield 2 flickering textures

                        oke well i have exactly the same but i think because of my ati card its worse :P i mean dice sees ATI as the bloody antichrist :S well i hope the patch comes soon or i will start my own guerella movement named PEOPLEWHOWORKWITHDICEWILLDIE


                        • #13
                          Re: Battlefield 2 flickering textures

                          oke well i have exactly the same but i think because of my ati card its worse :P i mean dice sees ATI as the bloody antichrist :S well i hope the patch comes soon or i will start my own guerella movement named PEOPLEWHOWORKWITHDICEWILLDIE

                          nah i love them for making the great game


                          • #14
                            Re: Battlefield 2 flickering textures

                            so the final advice : wait for the new patch


                            • #15
                              Re: Battlefield 2 flickering textures

                              I have that same problem with the x850xt. I think its only when I play with Anti-Aliasing on at 2x or more.

                              I am using the latest ATI drivers 5.13. Its not an overheating problem. It only happens in BF2 when anti-aliasing is on.

                              I am currently using medium settings all around, no anti-aliasing, 100% viewing distance and 1280x1024 resolution.

