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Need help with points

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  • Need help with points

    Ok, iv'e been playing for a while now. I have special forces, which I don't think is as good as the original, and I have several unlocks. I'm having trouble getting points, probably because I suck. I usually play as a medic with the L85A1. Sometimes I play as support with PKM. I want to know for the guys who get alot of points, What is the best way, no cheating, to rack up the points. What do you usually play with and how many points per round do you average? I usually avg. aroun 25 pts per round. Thanks for your help.

  • #2
    Re: Need help with points

    Stick to the medic. This kit gives the biggest points. Providing your playing city maps


    • #3
      Re: Need help with points

      A good tip for getting points is to hook up with a good squad. It's like finding a needle in a haystack on some servers. If you can into a good squad, you can replenish their ammo/health and earn points while your squad is ownin the noobs hard.


      • #4
        Re: Need help with points

        Thanks guys for the pointers. Sorry for being a newb.


        • #5
          Re: Need help with points

          there is no reason to apologize for being a noob lol.


          • #6
            Re: Need help with points

            Sheesh I have 300+ hours, 25+ every round is pretty ok, must say tho that i tend to have a 100% better game with a decent squad and not worrying about my score too much, the better squad leaders generally wont get more than that a round if they're doing their job and not flying jets or sniping...


            • #7
              Re: Need help with points

              Get familiar with your weapon, and you pwn..


              • #8
                Re: Need help with points

                Medic gives out that best point benefits....period.


                • #9
                  Re: Need help with points

                  Teamwork is the key. Find a kit in your squad that no one else is using and use it.

                  Remember: two shooters beat one shooter. WORK AS A TEAM.


                  • #10
                    Re: Need help with points

                    If you want to rake in the points, then its definitely MEDIC MEDIC MEDIC

                    Elite_Bling's guide to Raking in the Points
                    1. Find a 64 player Strike at Karkand Server
                    2. Be Medic
                    3. Spawn at Hotel if MEC or Arty if US
                    4. Take out your Defibrrilator (excuse my poor spelling)
                    5. Just REVIVE REVIVE REVIVE
                    6. Drop Medic Bags

                    I've gotten loads of points using this method. 60-70 points on average per round. Only thing is your K to D ratio will suffer.
                    (This is kinda cheap)


                    • #11
                      Re: Need help with points

                      uh.. be a vehicle whore? medic whore? practice on singe player expert in order to improve your marksmanship. be a medic rambo its aweseome, specially wit the ak-101. i usually get 60+ IAR points.


                      • #12
                        Re: Need help with points

                        I think they left out one important thing, A good squad is pretty easy to Identify. The first thing is if they dont talk to each other voip, teamspeak, whatever, you need to find a squad that does. In my opinion thats number one. Without that not much else matters. . . . . .Red


                        • #13
                          Re: Need help with points

                          why waste time looking for a good squad, instead spend some time training with your fav gun or all the guns. get a GOOD feal for them, accuracy, recoil, its capabilities,etc. just be a medic rambo..


                          • #14
                            Re: Need help with points

                            Medic on city maps


                            • #15
                              Re: Need help with points

                              Thanks guys for all your replies. I have 5,180 pts and 91 hrs played. I mostly use RPK support or L85A1 medic. These are my 2 favorites. I can't believe these people who have 100,000+ points. They must do nothing with there lives but play. I play mostly Karkand map as it is just my favorite map. I don't care for any of the SF maps. I try to squad up so that I can stay with a group of people. I doin't have voip, and just ordered a set of skullcrusher headphones, so I probably won't be playing with voip any time soon. Do alot of you guys use voip? If so maybe i'll have to reconsider. Thanks again for your help. Hope to see some of you out there!!

