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IAR time requirements - Stupid

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  • IAR time requirements - Stupid

    Well, to earn some badges and ribbons you must do things like "commander for 25 min" or "26 mins in a squad and 40 teamwork points" or "20 min and 19 kills in armor" and so on...

    This is soooo stupid! I can do much more than 40 team pts IAR, but why do we need the 26 mins in a squad? It's not focused on efficiency!

    The games I play simply don't last 26 mins...

  • #2
    Re: IAR time requirements - Stupid

    so start playing on 32 man servers. thats where they last along time. Hell once when i was commander on a server with 16 people on a 32 man karkand i got 213 points(after2x) because it lasted about an hour.Was a very good battle to. but i like that factor because it wouod be way to easy if you just needed kills.


    • #3
      Re: IAR time requirements - Stupid

      I agree that some are dumb. When I play SF some maps I have to be commander because my fps is too horrible to play. I ended up getting my commander badges like that.

      Armor has been slipping through my fingers. I'm not a big armor whore, but when I try the round never even lasts 20 mins. Bah.


      • #4
        Re: IAR time requirements - Stupid

        What galls me is some of the requirements that are counter to really being effective in the position. For example, the chopper ribbon. A good pilot doesn't get many kills himself, he let's his gunner(s) wrack 'em up.

        I fly very well, but almost never find myself as a gunner for a well flown chopper. This means that I'm more likely to get that ribbon for other people than myself!

        I'd like to see some ORs in place for certain requirements. Eg, 20 kills IAR in a chopper OR 30 Driver Kill Assists IAR in a chopper.

        Meh, not a big deal. It's just meaningless bling anyway.


        • #5
          Re: IAR time requirements - Stupid

          Originally posted by Wargimp
          What galls me is some of the requirements that are counter to really being effective in the position. For example, the chopper ribbon. A good pilot doesn't get many kills himself, he let's his gunner(s) wrack 'em up.

          I fly very well, but almost never find myself as a gunner for a well flown chopper. This means that I'm more likely to get that ribbon for other people than myself!

          I'd like to see some ORs in place for certain requirements. Eg, 20 kills IAR in a chopper OR 30 Driver Kill Assists IAR in a chopper.

          Meh, not a big deal. It's just meaningless bling anyway.
          I agree, i prefer to be pilot also, but good gunners who know what TV missiles are seem to be very rare these days. In SF the main kills come from the pilots rocket pods . The gunner has a ****ty gun and the rockets are just plain ownage.


          • #6
            Re: IAR time requirements - Stupid

            Originally posted by Wargimp
            Meh, not a big deal. It's just meaningless bling anyway.
            That's my man.

