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Repeated "Connection to Server Lost"

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  • Repeated "Connection to Server Lost"

    Every server I sign on to a server, sometimes I can play for 2 minutes, sometimes 20 minutes, but I always get a "Your Connection to the Server has been Lost" message, and booted back to the main menu. I've got all the right ports open on my router, I have a 6/Mb Cable Connection, and a fairly high-end machine. I am not a n00b, I’ve been into programming, and IT for years, and I currently work a senior Network Engineer for a Metro Fiber company…I can generally keep my XP box happy and free of virus, spyware, and etc. and keep it tuned for optimal performance. But this problem has me stumped. All other games work fine, HL2 and CS Source for example. But I just want BF2 and Special Forces to work

    EA Tech support suggested a bunch of obviously cut-and-pasted tech support answers, but I tried them all anyway. I finally wiped the games from my HD, and bought brand new copies to try again, but now I have the same problem. Has anyone seen this happen before? Man, this is my one and only pastime, and here I am with some actual time off and the damn thing won’t work…this sucks.

    Rock Solid Hardware:
    AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+ 2412.5 Mhz
    EVGA Nvidia Geforce 7800 GTX
    2 Gig OCX DDR RAM @500MHZ
    Abit Fatality Motherboard
    4x 80GB SATA Drives (Seperate Drives for OS and Game Installs)

  • #2
    Re: Repeated "Connection to Server Lost"

    Have you updated Punkbuster recently?


    • #3
      Re: Repeated "Connection to Server Lost"

      do you get choppiness/stutter in game too before this happens? I get lost connection also but it happens so randomly. One thing I notice is my harddrive light is Solid going nuts when this happens. Not sure if it's related or not..


      • #4
        Re: Repeated "Connection to Server Lost"

        Yep, just updated PB. No luck, same problem. No lag, no stutter, just connection lost...and although it's at random times, it's always in the first 10 minutes now.


        • #5
          Re: Repeated "Connection to Server Lost"

          I have this problem as well - just happened to me recently.

          I ranked up to 1st Sergeant just last week - and my PC is a custom built box, always free of trouble.

          It is ****ing me off big time.


          • #6
            Re: Repeated "Connection to Server Lost"

            This worked:

            The MS Hot Fix did not work, but when i Alt-Tabbed out and changed the affinity to a single CPU...That Worked! so that is for sure the problem, now the next question is how can I setup the .exe to launch on a single CPU Core, and of in the hell did EA not notice that one? Where's the patch


            • #7
              Re: Repeated "Connection to Server Lost"

              Glad it's sorted for you matey - But I don't have a dual core system. (Single core A64 4000, 2GB RAM, 7800GT 256MB)

              I'm fairly sure PunkBuster has something to do with it. I've updated it to the current version both through PBUPDATE and downloading the HTM files manually. No joy.

