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The best thing about zip lines

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  • The best thing about zip lines

    What is extremly effective in sf is to get on a building or ledge and ziplining down behind an enemy and knifing them. Most of you probably already do this but just thought I'd post a thread about it.

  • #2
    Re: The best thing about zip lines



    • #3
      Re: The best thing about zip lines

      nah, i still like stabbing snipers. easier and safer.


      • #4
        Re: The best thing about zip lines

        ah yes.

        the best thing.. happened to me last night for the first time. I saw a MEC sniper on Warlord zip down from the tv station right as i climbed the stairs.. i jumped on behind him on his own zip...(i was medic) (of course i was ready to throw my chute if he picked it up) he didn't pick it up.. but kept running across the roof. I landed right behind him.. he sets up camp and is sitting there while I proceed to knife him and then throw down a couple of medic packs on him just to rub it in.


        • #5
          Re: The best thing about zip lines

          Originally posted by wattsfox43
          ah yes.

          the best thing.. happened to me last night for the first time. I saw a MEC sniper on Warlord zip down from the tv station right as i climbed the stairs.. i jumped on behind him on his own zip...(i was medic) (of course i was ready to throw my chute if he picked it up) he didn't pick it up.. but kept running across the roof. I landed right behind him.. he sets up camp and is sitting there while I proceed to knife him and then throw down a couple of medic packs on him just to rub it in.
          it's even more fun to crawl right up behind them. No chance of missing the knife. Then hitting Q and spotting Sniper. Then a second later, castrate him.


          • #6
            Re: The best thing about zip lines

            Originally posted by BigBadBob
            it's even more fun to crawl right up behind them. No chance of missing the knife. Then hitting Q and spotting Sniper. Then a second later, castrate him.
            Quickly jump in his sight. He will have your face in his scope, desperatly trying to grab his pistol but you shock him to death with your shockpaddles are nail him with your knife. It'll really **** him off


            • #7
              Re: The best thing about zip lines

              Originally posted by Anzen
              Quickly jump in his sight. He will have your face in his scope, desperatly trying to grab his pistol but you shock him to death with your shockpaddles are nail him with your knife. It'll really **** him off
              This has happened to me. I was sniping out of a building by the door in Mashtuur and the enemy came in the door putting his head right in my crosshair as I was pulling the trigger and BAM......head shot. I'm sure that will never happen again.


              • #8
                Re: The best thing about zip lines

                the most satisfying thing is to zip behind a tank then C4 it. The tank driver has no idea what hits him


                • #9
                  Re: The best thing about zip lines

                  Originally posted by wattsfox43
                  ah yes.

                  the best thing.. happened to me last night for the first time. I saw a MEC sniper on Warlord zip down from the tv station right as i climbed the stairs.. i jumped on behind him on his own zip...(i was medic) (of course i was ready to throw my chute if he picked it up) he didn't pick it up.. but kept running across the roof. I landed right behind him.. he sets up camp and is sitting there while I proceed to knife him and then throw down a couple of medic packs on him just to rub it in.
                  should have shock paddled him, that would have been even more embarrassing tbh


                  • #10
                    Re: The best thing about zip lines

                    sneaky knife knife for fun, on my clan server having a mess around i followed one of my squad members (smokey) who was an mec sniper and i was a usmc sniper, just crawled up behind him, told him to turn around on teamspeak then stabbed him in the face XD


                    • #11
                      Re: The best thing about zip lines

                      Originally posted by Anzen
                      Quickly jump in his sight. He will have your face in his scope, desperatly trying to grab his pistol but you shock him to death with your shockpaddles are nail him with your knife. It'll really **** him off
                      I did that a couple of days ago on Karkland (vanilla BF2). I found a building that had a sniper on it, I jumped RIGHT in his face and BLAM he blows my head off. Five seconds later when I spawned it said "You killed sonso" and I tooked in the info corner (where all the kills/bans/kicks/disconnects show up) and it said "AxisKiller_{UGC} [Knife] sonso." Freaked me out along with the sniper.

