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DICE interview, chopper misiles cut in half

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  • DICE interview, chopper misiles cut in half

    Ok, the attack choppers are only going to get 8 instead of 14 misiles in each round now.

    WTF ??
    it's not the comunity asking for this, but just some franchise director siad it was to much (probably got owned to much by shoppers) , so they change it.

    OMFG ?? like 1.000.000 BF2 players don't get what they have been asking for like since the game is out (realy better AA misiles, wrong tagging bug solution, ....) and one guy finds something to heavy and they change it ??

    I don;'t even remember one single thread here about someone saying the attack choppers have to many misiles on board .

  • #2
    Re: DICE interview, chopper misiles cut in half

    Originally posted by rombaft
    Ok, the attack choppers are only going to get 8 instead of 14 misiles in each round now.

    WTF ??
    it's not the comunity asking for this, but just some franchise director siad it was to much (probably got owned to much by shoppers) , so they change it.
    Why do you need 14 missles to do the job of just 2 or three? I think you need to learn to aim chopper missles and stop spamming a whole clip on just one vehicle. Your gunner will thank you for not being such a noob and going back to the helipad every time you blow a tank up.


    • #3
      Re: DICE interview, chopper misiles cut in half

      It totally, sux that that was the reason. I thought there was some hidden forum where thousands of people said they wanted less missiles, but ohhh no, its just their bosss, whos probably 60 years old and was bored one Friday arvo and decided to stuff it for everyone...


      • #4
        Re: DICE interview, chopper misiles cut in half

        hey rombaft i agree but clear you PM's I want to you send u one about the unlockables. the missiles should be made more cuz they kinda suck


        • #5
          Re: DICE interview, chopper misiles cut in half

          I really don't understand why people are so disturbed by having their chopper missles "nerfed". If anything, it will just make people be more "skillfull" and make every missle count as opposed to emptying entire clips which is the norm now.


          • #6
            Re: DICE interview, chopper misiles cut in half

            Surely the director is in a pretty good position to know what needs changing in his franchise? Plus it's not like no one wanted the attack helos nerfed, it's just that people didn't sugest this particular idea. Don't even try and tell me that attack choppers are going to be useless after this change, they will still kick arse. As an added bonus we should even see less people flying around without a gunner.

