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You've been killed by X...

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  • You've been killed by X...

    Is anyone else getting a lot of these messages, even when you haven't been killed by anyone? I was 12-0 in one game, but got 5 or 6 of these messages?

  • #2
    Re: You've been killed by X...

    Not me.


    • #3
      Re: You've been killed by X...

      Its happened to me a few times.

      about a month ago It said I was killed (in the top left corner (in green??) and middle left as usual. I put it down to a bug and ignored it. Now in the past week its happened to me twice. The last was when I was flying and it said " [artillery] A_J_Rimmer_UK". I was killed by Mr nobody but I was still flying, at least it made me chuckle. I checked the board and no kills where registered.

      Its the little things that keep me playing BF2


      • #4
        Re: You've been killed by X...

        Well at least it doesn't effect your score. If it did, well, another example of Dice and EA being lazy and not caring for customers.


        • #5
          Re: You've been killed by X...

          I checked the board and no kills where registered.
          Remember, the death does not regester untill you re-spawn. Untill then you can be revived.


          • #6
            Re: You've been killed by X...

            Originally posted by Madmech
            Remember, the death does not regester untill you re-spawn. Untill then you can be revived.
            Thats a excellent point. If this "bug" happens again and then I die then respawn I could have 2 deaths instread on the one.

            I will remember to check when it happens again.


            • #7
              Re: You've been killed by X...

              It happend to me once too, at least i only noticed once.


              • #8
                Re: You've been killed by X...

                Yes, especially (blank name) [ARTILLERY] SuperTyphoon, in green, as if a squad member did it.


                • #9
                  Re: You've been killed by X...

                  Originally posted by SuperTyphoon
                  Yes, especially (blank name) [ARTILLERY] SuperTyphoon, in green, as if a squad member did it.
                  And I was the only one in my squad, [artillery] A_J_Rimmer_UK should only be in yellow or red colour


                  • #10
                    Re: You've been killed by X...

                    Happened to me yesterday!
                    ...and I still was on the rooftop sniping someone. When I saw the message, I thought someone cheat to get point.
                    Hmm...maybe it is a new bug. You can report in the bug section.


                    • #11
                      Re: You've been killed by X...

                      This may be related but not,I'v been in a few games and seen this,I was just going along,minding my own business when I look at the top screen and see

                      [Teamkills xlNodUnitlx

                      Something like that,not in the chat box though...its strange,it shows that but so far I haven't seen it do anything,it just makes ya sit there kinda thinking..

