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Grenade doesnt work in some servers ?

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  • Grenade doesnt work in some servers ?

    I played on two ranked server last night. I first one was ok I left because the next map was Kubra Dam so I found another ranked server and joined up

    At a moment, I throw a grenade then....... nothing, no explosion, no sound, just nothing.

    I try to throw another grenade (just right click, so It just fall on the ground) I look and the grenade dissapeared. I throw all my nades , even on a allied squad and no explosiion.

    wtf ? All C4 , claymores or AT mines worked but only grenades dissapear strangely. Explanation ?

  • #2
    Re: Grenade doesnt work in some servers ?

    yep i found that to??? since the new patch...... dos"nt happen to often, but i do like a bang


    • #3
      Re: Grenade doesnt work in some servers ?

      i had that happen at times but never like you talked about, crazy.


      • #4
        Re: Grenade doesnt work in some servers ?

        ive seen it to... cant say it bothers me too much though

