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Missing maps?

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  • Missing maps?

    I installed SF the other day and have found that I don't have the map "Gator" or "Leviathon". Are these for "online" play only? It's probably something I just overlooked. Also downloaded patch 1.12 and each time I fire the game up; I get the screen asking me if I want to download 1.12. (which I already sat through ) I don't get it. Isn't it an auto install? If not; what file does it go to?

  • #2
    Re: Missing maps?

    The EA message for installing the 1.12 patch will stay there even after you download the patch, just ignore it or press "Close" and as for Iron Gator and Leviathan, yes, you can only play them in multi-player, not single player.


    • #3
      Re: Missing maps?

      Yes, there are maps in SF that you can not play in single player mode. I know Iron Gator is one of them. Yes, you will get the message about 1.12 every time you start up SF. This is just a message hit close since you already downloaded the patch.

      edit* Xicer beat me to the punch.


      • #4
        Re: Missing maps?

        a friend of mine gets kicked to his desktop everytime the map night flight comes up. he has tried reinstalling the patch. Question is should he reinstall the game and see if this fixes the problem or are there any other suggestions to this. Just to let you know, this is the only map that he is unable to play.


        • #5
          Re: Missing maps?

          It couldn't hurt to reinstall everything. I would uninstall all of the BF2 programs. Reboot the PC. Then Install BF2, SF, then Patch. Has he messed with any of the files related to that map?


          • #6
            Re: Missing maps?

            thats a pitty... it's a great map


            • #7
              Re: Missing maps?

              yeah i wish iron gator was for SP

