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f2000 and flashbangs

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  • f2000 and flashbangs

    I have special forces but cant work out how to get the f2000 (which seems to be a devastating gun) and how to get flashbans into regular bf2.

    help please

  • #2
    Re: f2000 and flashbangs

    Well I think for starters you must have the G3 unlocked, then it gives you the option to unlock the F2000. Also, I see in BFHQ under the Assualt class unlocks, teargas is it's own indivdual unlock. Maybe you must unlock this aswell? I don't know.


    • #3
      Re: f2000 and flashbangs

      Correct. To unlock any of the SF unlocks you must first have unlocked the corresponding BF2 kit unlocks. To get the F2000 you must have already unlocked the G3. Additionally, you must have an unused unlock or your current rank must be high enough to qualify for additional SF unlocks. There's a table posted here somewhere (I'm too lazy to look it up) that shows how many additional unlocks each rank qualifies for. If you qualify and you have already unlocked the G3 I seem to remember having to go into a multiplayer round, kill someone, disconnect, come back into the BFHQ and it offered up the unlock(s).


      • #4
        Re: f2000 and flashbangs

        Geez - I'm at 25000 points so I have another 25000 points to go before my next unlock, which UBAR says will take me about a year and a half - I could make my own f2000 and flashbangs in that time in RL


        • #5
          Re: f2000 and flashbangs

          Also, it's not devastating. AK-101 is still king.


          • #6
            Re: f2000 and flashbangs

            Originally posted by ||ass||variable
            Also, it's not devastating. AK-101 is still king.
            F2000 is the best, cuz it has a good medium and Far range, and becuz of the devestating GL.

            But the ak's are pretty darn close, i could notice it at Mass Destruction, man that things is the best standard weopon in the game.

