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What Qualitys do you look for in a server?

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  • What Qualitys do you look for in a server?

    I personally look for:

    No autobalance! Becasuse I play with several buddies and we really dislike haveing to spend most of our time trying to get all on the same team.:wall:

    2-3 rounds per map. Most of us dont have uber pc's and It is no fun spawning in with over half of your flags taken every time.:rock:

    For Sf maps we usually look for servers that have a max of 52 players. It really cuts down on the lag.

    AND of course ranked.:guns:

  • #2
    Re: What Qualitys do you look for in a server?

    Ranked. (although, I do enjoy playing on the TG servers from time to time)
    City maps OR non-large sized maps for the non-city maps. I am a big fan of infantry combat and when you have these huge maps, you are almost forced to get in a vehicle or be pwned.
    I like a lot of players, 50 or above.
    No autobalance, because I play with my friends.
    More than 1 round per map.


    • #3
      Re: What Qualitys do you look for in a server?

      I like ranked 64 player maps with a limit of like 40 to 50 people on them with 2-3 rounds per map and no time limit...I can deal with 32 player maps too...but for some reason the 16 player maps just dont appeal to me...

      Oh and low ping is key I usually set ASE for <100


      • #4
        Re: What Qualitys do you look for in a server?

        I just simply type Raging into the filter then join.

        Raging Rebels Ranked 1.12
        BF2 & SF on alternating days
        64 player maps with only 50 players max
        2 rounds per map
        Teamswitched at the end of each round.
        VOIP + Battle Recorder available to all players
        Lots of teamwork
        Responsible/fair admins
        Rules: No attacking uncap mains till last flag(spec ops can blow commander assests then should leave.
        Commanders DON'T Fly, should be passive not active
        Located Seattle Washington, USA


        • #5
          Re: What Qualitys do you look for in a server?

          I like a server with a nice RACK.


          • #6
            Re: What Qualitys do you look for in a server?

            Question if I may, when looking at the server screen how can you tell if auto-balance is on/off? And if it is a 64 player map with a max of 32, 40, 50 players?


            • #7
              Re: What Qualitys do you look for in a server?

              Don't really care, just as long as the teams are even in strength/skill... Just hate the 200-0 wins/losses...


              • #8
                Re: What Qualitys do you look for in a server?

                Alot of this info can be gotten by just clicking on the server once. On the right will be a list of stats that the server has set.

                If autobalance is set to 0 then it is not active.


                • #9
                  Re: What Qualitys do you look for in a server?

                  Originally posted by <<R2>>Capt.HKS
                  I just simply type Raging into the filter then join.

                  Raging Rebels Ranked 1.12
                  BF2 & SF on alternating days
                  64 player maps with only 50 players max
                  2 rounds per map
                  Teamswitched at the end of each round.
                  VOIP + Battle Recorder available to all players
                  Lots of teamwork
                  Responsible/fair admins
                  Rules: No attacking uncap mains till last flag(spec ops can blow commander assests then should leave.
                  Commanders DON'T Fly, should be passive not active
                  Located Seattle Washington, USA
                  Yup... that basicly makes for a good break-down fer me.
                  It's too bad that the auto-switch sides caused everyone to loose their squads each round, but the pay off is worth it. Too bad there isn't some way to do the side switch and keep squads intact. If a squad is working for me, I like to stay in it for long periods of time.

                  Ah well... ya can't have your cake and eat it too (as dead french chicks learned the hard way).


                  • #10
                    Re: What Qualitys do you look for in a server?

                    Ranked, decent ping, and no stupid maps


                    • #11
                      Re: What Qualitys do you look for in a server?

                      Ping, then map/players. The rest are already in place by filters (ranked, map size).


                      • #12
                        Re: What Qualitys do you look for in a server?

                        Ranked, 64 player, that's about it.


                        • #13
                          Re: What Qualitys do you look for in a server?

                          Originally posted by dnoe91
                          I like a server with a nice RACK.


                          • #14
                            Re: What Qualitys do you look for in a server?

                            I look for 50+ players, <3 rounds, ranked, good ping, and NOT a silly 24/7 Karkand/Sharqi/Mashtuur server


                            • #15
                              Re: What Qualitys do you look for in a server?

                              Originally posted by Talus

                              Ahhhh....Come on. That is some good nerd humor for you!

