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6800GT High Ping

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  • 6800GT High Ping

    I just installed a new PNY 6800GT 256M I'm getting kicked from every game because of HIGH PINGS
    My pings are now anywhere from 500-900 YES 900...????
    I have a 1.5MB DSL Connection
    I even put the game back to default LOW settings?

    What is the problem?

    Dell Dimension 8400 2G RAM P4 3.2 Ghz Processor
    Sound Blaster Live 24bit

  • #2
    Re: 6800GT High Ping

    Did you use Driver Cleaner Pro to remove all traces of your previous video card?


    • #3
      Re: 6800GT High Ping

      I did not.. where can I get that? My pings are soo bad I almost can't believe it. When I play single player the game flies on high everything!


      • #4
        Re: 6800GT High Ping

        Also, update punkbuster as you had mentioned in that other thread.


        • #5
          Re: 6800GT High Ping

          Yes that should help, 2 gigs of ram, 3.2ghz, and a 6800gt = sweet game play!


          • #6
            Re: 6800GT High Ping

            sorry to be on two threads but I didn't know how else to post this problem? seems like others also have problems with the 6800GT no? I'll try both of these. 700 ping it pretty bad!


            • #7
              Re: 6800GT High Ping

              anything special I need to know on how to remove my old files? Will this also remove my existing 6800GT stuff? I don't want to do that by accident?


              • #8
                Re: 6800GT High Ping

                What card did you have before?

                If you run Driver Cleaner and select the 'Nvidia' profile, it WILL remove all 6800Gt drivers. but that is a good thing to make sure that your drivers are installed clean and proper.

                Go to 'Add/Remove Programs' and remove 'Nvidia drivers'.
                Reboot into safe mode
                Run driver cleaner and run the profile that pertains to your old video card (e.g. ATI)
                then run the 'Nvidia' profile
                Reboot into Windows
                Install your desired 6800GT drivers
                Delete your cache (contents of My Documents\Battlefield 2\mods\bf2\cache)
                Start BF2
                Load a single player map to optimize shaders
                Exit BF2


                • #9
                  Re: 6800GT High Ping

                  I had an ati radeon X300 Does this sound like that is the reason why I'm seeing pings of 500-900? Or could it be something else? If I ran this 6800GT on low settings wouldn't you think I would see very good pings?
                  I didn't either way?


                  • #10
                    Re: 6800GT High Ping

                    That is new to me. Never thought your video card had anything to do with ping rate... Frames per second... yes. But Ping? I thought that simply refered to your speed across the net (Which again why would that be affected by a video card)

                    Can someone explain that to me as I honestly know nothing about that?


                    • #11
                      Re: 6800GT High Ping

                      I have the same card, PNY 6800GT, i play everything on high, my ping is usually around 50 and the only time i get a high ping is if its the server, then it gets to around 100. So maybe you should try more servers, or its it something wrong with your internet connection. As other people are saying the video card has nothing to do with ping, its most likely an internet related problem.

