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no c4 on flag pole?

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  • no c4 on flag pole?

    "no c4 on the flag pole"

    I have seen this rule on a couple servers recently and was wondering what your opionions on this were.

    i personally think it is stupid because if you want to defend a flag putting c4 on it is one way to keep control of it, i just dont understand where this rule came from.

  • #2
    Re: no c4 on flag pole?

    stupid rule, stupid servers


    • #3
      Re: no c4 on flag pole?

      Any examples?
      I don't see any of these rules in the server I used to play w/
      One of the servers rule:

      That's one of the weird (tho acceptable) rule I seen.


      • #4
        Re: no c4 on flag pole?

        it was called ba city maps, i love the server i play on it alot, but i just dont understand that rule


        • #5
          Re: no c4 on flag pole?

          The only logical reason for this rule could be due to the fact that C4 placed at the base of a flag pole becomes invisible, which is a minor exploit. If you're running to cap a flag and see C4 everywhere, more than likely you'll look around and see if you can see a spec ops guy nearby to kill before taking the flag.

          You don't have that option if you can't the C4 because it's invisible.


          • #6
            Re: no c4 on flag pole?

            I see it from time to time... yes I think its a pretty stupid rule.

            On public servers its not really as good of a tactic as in organized play but it does work often even on the pubbs.


            • #7
              Re: no c4 on flag pole?

              just put the c4 in the block at the bottom of the flag pole no one will no


              • #8
                Re: no c4 on flag pole?

                Maybe its to do with the C4 disappearing if you place it on the concrete block at the base of the pole?


                • #9
                  Re: no c4 on flag pole?

                  Well if you get blown by 1 c4 that is hidden inside of a flag pole, then you are an idiot. (not saying its fair just the issue of "not seeing c4 in the pole base" is just moot)

                  There may be a point or 2 where you have to be right next to the flag but most have cover inside of the capzone but not RIGHT at the flag.

                  A grey flag pole is a HUGE target for noob toobs, nades, rockets etc, so I never sit next to the pole, if you do then you deserve to die.

                  Yes if your squad sees c4, 2 men cap the flag (NOT SL)... others stay back and pick off spawners. A decent SpecOp guy will be hard to find if he is defending the flag, unless you have UAV/Scan support. Just let him blow it for 2 squad members, they can respawn on SL...

                  The rule was createdd because people think the move is cheap... because too many people and squads are idiots and want to rush in and take the flag NOW with out thinking. This is their choice, it does force squads to stay and defend a flag instead of leaving a specop behind to defend with c4


                  • #10
                    Re: no c4 on flag pole?

                    Originally posted by dandirk
                    The rule was createdd because people think the move is cheap... because too many people and squads are idiots and want to rush in and take the flag NOW with out thinking. This is their choice, it does force squads to stay and defend a flag instead of leaving a specop behind to defend with c4

                    I would argue that the rule was created b/c too many clan members or admins got owned by SpecOps. As someone who typically plays SpecOps almost exclusively, I challenge anyone to provide proof why this isn't a completely valid tactic.


                    • #11
                      Re: no c4 on flag pole?

                      I saw the most stupid rule on a server once: 'NO TAXI DRIVING'


                      • #12
                        Re: no c4 on flag pole?

                        Originally posted by Rafterman
                        I would argue that the rule was created b/c too many clan members or admins got owned by SpecOps. As someone who typically plays SpecOps almost exclusively, I challenge anyone to provide proof why this isn't a completely valid tactic.
                        That is essentially what I am saying... idiot squads rush up to a flag and go "oh someone left me presents that look like c4 all over the flag... I may as well invite my whole squad next to the flag pole for marshmellows..." ... 5 seconds later, c4 goes boom and ONE guys gets 5-6 kills and squad has to start over... All they would have to do is sit at least the SL back and wait for the c4 to go off, then its an easy flag cap!

                        It cracks me up when I do this... I have defended a point for a whole round myself (with supply crated from the commander), using this tactic and they NEVER learned... cracks me up everytime.

                        It is a valid tactic, I play in the 21CW tournement and this is and BASIC tactic, its done at EVERY flag. Defenders always have c4 on flags, and attackers are ALWAYS waiting for it to blow before sending all troops into the flag cap area.


                        • #13
                          Re: no c4 on flag pole?

                          I have to agree. Rush into any situation and you will die. C4 a flag looks like a valid tactic to me. Just would not want to be the guy to wait for the enemy to rush in.


                          • #14
                            Re: no c4 on flag pole?

                            When I C4 a flag, I don't even wait there. Set it and go fight, when you here the losing control message on the comms, check the map, if it's your flag...BOOM!!!!

                            Defended Flag!
                            Auto-ER-[C4]whole squad

                            for teh win

                            A good commander will clear a flag with arty, and throw UAV on it, so hiding there is not a winning proposition anyway.


                            • #15
                              Re: no c4 on flag pole?

                              putting c4 on the base of the flag pole is best as theres a error and it goes right threw so u cant see it i do it when i can see a large group my way or i started just puting it around the flag were moest peeps try to hide around when taking the flag

