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First time as Commander; now I've got some questions!

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  • First time as Commander; now I've got some questions!

    Not about how to command. I was told I did an good job. My questions are more along the lines of, "what the hell have all of my Commanders been doing?!?"

    I applied as Commander on the Wake map last night after a long, like 12+ hour, night of gaming. I was surprised when I was told that I was accepted, and a little nervous about what I was getting into. But as it turns out, Wake was probably the best map for a beginning Commander. I spawned as an Engineer and stayed close to the foilage so I could man the AA when I had to.

    When I'm playing offensively on the battlefield, I have to pull teeth to get a UAV at a strategic location where a flag is bouncing between us and the enemy. But I discovered last night that if you click on a section of map, and zoom in with your mouse wheel, not only will you get a live action location of your team, but if you zoom in further, you get a LIVE ACTION SATTELITE VIDEO STREAM! You can actually watch the battle from above, along with each teammates name and spot enemies.

    I'm not sure on which fence of moral playing that telling your guys that you see the enemy creeping along the back of the building he's about to turn around, but since they're usually too busy to read everything that shows up it's probably okay... but the power of the Commander post hardly ever blooms in the games I've been apart of so far. I'm not bragging when I say that I think I was the best Commander I've seen so far. It's not that hard. I just didn't do ANYTHING ELSE. Most of my time was spent in the Command screen waiting for the UAV to come back online, or monitoring enemy forces. And the SCAN option is priceless. It helped me locate an enemy trying to infiltrate the island to blow up my artillary.

    Unfortunately he did though. He was out in the water swimming so I figured I had enough time to jump into a boat and gun him down, but by the time I got to where he was, he was already laying down C4, and managed to blow up two before I killed him. Actually he killed me first, I respawned, then got him. My big mistake of the game and I felt guilty leaving the team exposed for the 60 seconds it took to respawn and fix my artillary.

    Seriously though. Artillary strikes to help the advance or protect wavering bases, supply drops to clusters and lone wolves, scanning and reporting enemy locations, and UAV. I can't begin to understand why my Commanders aren't riding the UAV like it's going out of style.

    Anyway, not tooting my own horn. I made a lot of mistakes and killed a couple of my guys with artillary, and I made the common mistake of bombing directly on the flag when it's being captured by the enemy, instead of bombing where he's going to backup to as soon as he hears it. But we won. Barely. 6-0 I think was the score. A GREAT game though and I'll definately command again if I'm allowed. I just can't figure out why most Commanders... well... suck. You should never have to suggest a mutiny.

  • #2
    Re: First time as Commander; now I've got some questions!

    Here is the #1 secret to commanding: LISTEN TO YOUR TROOPS.
    Other tips.
    1. Arty. It kills indisriminatley, be careful, but use it, you should always be dropping arty, even if it is to kill 1 sniper or weaken the enemy commanders assets.
    2. UAV: Place UAV's where your troops need the most intel, don't use the UAV to search, use scan for that.
    3. Make your troops form squads. It is easier to command when you give orders to organized units
    4. Make your troops do what you tell them to do. Tell them to follow orders
    rebuke them when they ignore you, praise them when they follow directions.
    5. Supplies: Save these for repairing your assets (since no one play engineer) or to fix the occasional tank or apc.
    As of today my cmd score is 9066 my total time as a cmdr is 74+hrs, so I have a little command experience under my belt.


    • #3
      Re: First time as Commander; now I've got some questions!

      Originally posted by j-train
      4. Make your troops do what you tell them to do. Tell them to follow orders
      rebuke them when they ignore you, praise them when they follow directions.

      Not sure I agree with the rebuke part. I find a lot of guys don't listen to orders for whatever reason. Which is fine by me. Play however you want. Rebuking them will probably just **** em off. I definitly do agree that you should praise them when they follow orders.

      Oh and just want to emphasie your other point. I know this sounds like a no brainer but a surprising # of commnder don't seem to know this. (or else choose not to do it) dropping supplies on your UAV, arty, scanner will repair it.


      • #4
        Re: First time as Commander; now I've got some questions!

        Im still surprised when I see a Gunnery sgt. (or higher) take command, and jump in the first best vehicle (tank/APC/Chopper/Plane) and start fighting like normal.... When screamed at him to command, they reply "No, I want the double of my score " >Smacks head<

        It must be ignorance that makes ppl do this, there can be no other explanation... (at least not one I can think of)


        • #5
          Re: First time as Commander; now I've got some questions!

          Originally posted by Moke
          Im still surprised when I see a Gunnery sgt. (or higher) take command, and jump in the first best vehicle (tank/APC/Chopper/Plane) and start fighting like normal.... When screamed at him to command, they reply "No, I want the double of my score " >Smacks head<

          It must be ignorance that makes ppl do this, there can be no other explanation... (at least not one I can think of)
          I have gotten in the habit (naughty) of Team Killing any cmdr I see that is trying to fight/fly/drive. It is not his job, he needs to COMMAND!
          I will ride in a Blackhawk occasionally as a CMDR (RIDE NOT GUN)
          or hitch a ride in an APC if the enemy is closing in.
          and on rare occasions I will defend my cappable CP from sappers, other than that, I am immobile!


          • #6
            Re: First time as Commander; now I've got some questions!

            They do it to get badges and no one plays engineer coz just when you get to the assets the noby commander drops a supply crate when you will have 2 squad leaders calling for supply drop.Only use the supply drop if you have no engineers but make sure you check first by holding down the tab key and looking at the icon on the left side of the players names supply drop should be a last option.


            • #7
              Re: First time as Commander; now I've got some questions!

              Originally posted by j-train
              I have gotten in the habit (naughty) of Team Killing any cmdr I see that is trying to fight/fly/drive. It is not his job, he needs to COMMAND!
              I will ride in a Blackhawk occasionally as a CMDR (RIDE NOT GUN)
              or hitch a ride in an APC if the enemy is closing in.
              and on rare occasions I will defend my cappable CP from sappers, other than that, I am immobile!
              I agree, I've also riden around with other people while commanding and i always defend the flag i'm hinding at, using c4 to place around the flag helps a lot. I don't understand why people fly or fight when they are commanding, it's not like the kills they get give them anymore points.


              • #8
                Re: First time as Commander; now I've got some questions!

                Originally posted by cpt.pingu (u.k)
                They do it to get badges and no one plays engineer coz just when you get to the assets the noby commander drops a supply crate when you will have 2 squad leaders calling for supply drop.Only use the supply drop if you have no engineers but make sure you check first by holding down the tab key and looking at the icon on the left side of the players names supply drop should be a last option.
                indeed a pain..i had to get my veteran repair sitting in the back of a blackhawk..not fun..i hate flying


                • #9
                  Re: First time as Commander; now I've got some questions!

                  Most commanders are just average and many of them do nothing -- I've begged for supplies and UAV and got nothing, even when no one else was getting them -- guess he had to go to the bathroom.

                  Since June, I've had only one commander that I would say was excellent. We were playing Karkand and this guy was not only giving orders and offering support, but was actually telling us where the threats were coming from -- "Squad 2, you've got two guys coming at you on the road from the South. Get ready." We completely owned the other team.


                  • #10
                    Re: First time as Commander; now I've got some questions!

                    Here are a few small tips from an SL/LoneWolf:

                    If someone requests supplies and they are not available, at least acknowledge the request (with "I read you"). When the supplies are ready, DO NOT arbitrarily drop them near the original requestor. Use the radio command that says, "Squad leader, supplies available upon your request" and let the SL spot precisely where he wants them. Then just right-click the request and click Accept.

                    Nothing drives me crazier than a bad supply drop. Last night I was out of C4 and had a tank bearing down on the CP I was defending, and the Commander dropped the supplies near the tank instead of where I requested them. Precisely opposite what I needed.

                    Don't just deploy a UAV for the hell of it. You should use it to highlight enemies that are immediately relevant to your troops. Don't dump one way off in the distance to highlight that someone is taking a flag - you can manually spot for that. Many Commanders just keep the UAV running all the time, even if it doesn't make sense. I often see UAVs cycling on 100% empty areas, or on an enemy cluster that is way too far away for anyone to deal with.

                    Being frugal (and smart) with the UAV deployment means that there's a chance you'll have one ready to go when you get a specific request from an SL.

                    You should offer detailed support to your team in two situations, in the following order:
                    1) Troops taking a flag: These guys need the most support since they're probably in the most vulnerable positions trying to cap a flag
                    2) Troops defending a flag: These guys are probably in better locations to see incoming troops (since they got to PICK their positions), but it's always helpful to have a set of eyes looking forward


                    • #11
                      Re: First time as Commander; now I've got some questions!

                      I was commander a day ago, and I noticed a squad leader requested artillery at a certain flag and I could see the request on my map. I was wondering if Im squad leader, how do I request artillery at a certain possition?


                      • #12
                        Re: First time as Commander; now I've got some questions!

                        I think its part of the commo rose. If you hit "contol" and you get the options to say thanks or ask for ammo or a medic. I can't remember actually doing it but it seems that it should be there.


                        • #13
                          Re: First time as Commander; now I've got some questions!

                          Yeah most of what everyone is saying I took into account. I definately used the UAV as best as I think could have been, maybe 20 meters ahead of the main group towards the next control point, however if I zoomed in and saw that they were having troubles, I'd drop it directly over them so they could get an idea of what's going on.

                          So it's okay to use your sattelite view to give heads up on troop movement?

                          I'm going to go command in single player, I didn't realize there were special commands except for typing stuff out, thanks for all the tips.

                          Great tips on the supply drops, all of them. I didn't realize any of that. Commander really has some amazing power. Think I'm going to enjoy it =)


                          • #14
                            Re: First time as Commander; now I've got some questions!

                            search its there although its screwed up.


                            • #15
                              Re: First time as Commander; now I've got some questions!

                              Originally posted by Jofaba
                              Yeah most of what everyone is saying I took into account. I definately used the UAV as best as I think could have been, maybe 20 meters ahead of the main group towards the next control point, however if I zoomed in and saw that they were having troubles, I'd drop it directly over them so they could get an idea of what's going on.

                              So it's okay to use your sattelite view to give heads up on troop movement?

                              I'm going to go command in single player, I didn't realize there were special commands except for typing stuff out, thanks for all the tips.

                              Great tips on the supply drops, all of them. I didn't realize any of that. Commander really has some amazing power. Think I'm going to enjoy it =)
                              You're already a better Commander by asking people what they need from you.

                              And the Sat Scan is for you - use it to plan your decisions on UAV, artillery, spotting, etc. Use it however you'd like.

