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Justice Kills?

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  • Justice Kills?

    An odd thought just struck me while reading some of the TK related threads floating around ATM.

    What if after you TKed (intentionally or not) you could be killed by anyone without it counting as a TK for a short while?

    Thus, he who TKs to get a plane, can be shot out of it without whoever fired the shot being punished. If you just stand around TKing, people will be able to retaliate and remove you from the area for atleast as long as it takes you to respawn. If you nail someone in the field (by accedent) your squad mates can deside it you need to be taught a lesson or not.

    Call it a JK. Justice kill.

    (this is purely bluesky and never gonna happen, I'm sure)

  • #2
    Re: Justice Kills?

    It'd never work.
    If you were TK'ed, then you'd have to wait 15secs to respawn then say another 15 to have your 'revenge' time. In this time others would be trying to kill him on your behalf and what happens to innocent team members that get killed while he was driving or flying because of revenge killing. they would have 30seconds of free killing time too.



    • #3
      Re: Justice Kills?

      The spirit is there, but this would get abused to high heaven.

