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Classic Team Killer

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  • Classic Team Killer

    I spent the last two hours looking at TK players on different maps and this guy (timbur2580) was a classic awaiting the helo on the Wake Island map. He first shot a few people but didn't kill them, that didn't work to scare them off so he threw down four C4 packs and blew them up!

    You gotta love this game

  • #2
    Re: Classic Team Killer

    so you could have saved 3 of your fellow marines by TKing him before he could click that button....


    • #3
      Re: Classic Team Killer



      • #4
        Re: Classic Team Killer

        Anti-teamwork to help save lives... That's great


        • #5
          Re: Classic Team Killer

          You're telling him to teamkill to prevent teamkills?



          • #6
            Re: Classic Team Killer

            Always kill a teamkiller; especially if you can't ban them.


            • #7
              Re: Classic Team Killer

              lol, I once was awaiting the jet with 3 other guys and I had to leave so I threw down all my c4 and they watched me as i had the remote. I waited a few seconds with them all staring at me and the tension was hilarious. I blew it and left, yeah, I'm a jerk.


              • #8
                Re: Classic Team Killer

                Originally posted by Talus
                You're telling him to teamkill to prevent teamkills?

                The war to end all wars

                But honestly, I just leave it to them. Is not like I will mess around w/ a team killer, he has nothing to lose while I lose my temper and time...why bother.


                • #9
                  Re: Classic Team Killer

                  Originally posted by Mahoro
                  The war to end all wars

                  But honestly, I just leave it to them. Is not like I will mess around w/ a team killer, he has nothing to lose while I lose my temper and time...why bother.
                  Good attitude.

                  I'll confess to killing the ocasional TKer myself.
                  Perty much any time I see a teammate putting C4 on a blackhawk or a plane, I'll just knife him in the back since he's either going to blow it when it's fully load, or is simply stupid.

                  Either way, killin him is worth it.
                  In make instances, it's too bad you can't really remove him from the genepool.


                  • #10
                    Re: Classic Team Killer

                    It's funny cause if I get into a jet before somebody else, and I see them put c4 on it, I usually jump out, shoot them in the face, take their kit and go on with my flying.


                    • #11
                      Re: Classic Team Killer

                      I confess to being the occasional tk'er. Its so ****ing fun. The 2 best things to do when tk'ing are:

                      1) If you are US on any map with a carrier, just get on the turret and start mowing everyone down and blowing up the jets. Surefire way to **** them off.

                      2) If someone imparticular incites your fury, get Medic kit, kill them, wait 10 seconds, revive then immediately kill, wait 10 seconds, revive and kill, ect. They cant do a damn thing but disconnect. Until you get killed that is.


                      • #12
                        Re: Classic Team Killer

                        Tonight I blew away this noob who got himself killed by running on my nade and punished me. He was in viewing distancce to see me throw it. After the medic revived him he ate the led from my mg36. I asked him which one he thought was intentional. He didn't answer.


                        • #13
                          Re: Classic Team Killer

                          Originally posted by Maestro Satanus
                          Tonight I blew away this noob who got himself killed by running on my nade and punished me. He was in viewing distancce to see me throw it. After the medic revived him he ate the led from my mg36. I asked him which one he thought was intentional. He didn't answer.
                          those are the kinda fags you do the revive/kill thing to.


                          • #14
                            Re: Classic Team Killer

                            I'm not sure who is worse. The TKer or the four guys waiting to chopper whore. Whenever you see crap like that going on you can usually bet that your team will lose.


                            • #15
                              Re: Classic Team Killer

                              Originally posted by panic39
                              I'm not sure who is worse. The TKer or the four guys waiting to chopper whore.
                              That's why the new and improved helos will be nice. Let them wait in line. I'll be waiting for them as an AT with their ****ty helo that will now be destoyed more easily. Bring it.

