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  • Cheating

    Usually we are posting some opinion ref. the game and our preference about playing conditions and the like. All good fun stuff I have learned a lot from many of you in this forum. Most of you are intellingent guys and some are light years ahead of me especially on the tech. stuff. I now am faced with a delemma of sorts. I witnessed a blatant episode of point farming on a ranked server several days ago. Now no hacking was involved just your garden variety point farming with three guys one being a medic. Just a point of interest for everyone one guy had 197 pts on a short 16 man Karkand map.The medic guy had 122 revival points on a team with 6 players about a 15 minute game. The dummies were fully engaged in a point farming exersize next to the wall between the square and marketplace in the wide open no fear whatsoever.They laughed when I told them I was going to report them.Now the good stuff no one really is interested punkbuster only interested in hackers and EA games has not even contacted me back yet. I feel I have a responsibility but dont know what to do. Seriously what do you guys think maybe you have faced this before and can give me some good advise.

  • #2
    Re: Cheating

    If you have no screenshots with absolute proof, or a Fraps video it holds no weight what so ever. Not that you didn't see it, but anyone can just contact EA, or PB and say so and so was cheating, I saw it, here are their names. Not to mention, they probably get many, many reports, so they have to get to, and weed through them.


    • #3
      Re: Cheating

      You already gave the answer. EA and PB apparently could not care less about these situations. I would say, find another server with people who want to play a good fair game.

      I only care about my own score for wich i do my best. If people want to think they are great by padding so be it.


      • #4
        Re: Cheating

        I am in law enforcement and I can appreciate what you are saying. However in this case I have another witness to the incident to corroborate what happened.Two seperate eye witnesses plus their scores that are not possible within the scope and time if the game in question. I can with the information I have validate the cheating incident and prove it in any court if that was necessary.However I really do not have any personal stake in getting these guys in trouble especially if the people who police BF2 are not interested in even contacting me.One of the perps has over 25000 global pts I wonder how many he really earned. When he played honest on the next map I think he ended that game with 37pts.


        • #5
          Re: Cheating

          Originally posted by majsmt
          I am in law enforcement and I can appreciate what you are saying. However in this case I have another witness to the incident to corroborate what happened.Two seperate eye witnesses plus their scores that are not possible within the scope and time if the game in question. I can with the information I have validate the cheating incident and prove it in any court if that was necessary.However I really do not have any personal stake in getting these guys in trouble especially if the people who police BF2 are not interested in even contacting me.One of the perps has over 25000 global pts I wonder how many he really earned. When he played honest on the next map I think he ended that game with 37pts.

          If you were really in Law Enforcement you would realize that having "proof" over witness testamony is more accepted in a court of law.

          People lie, proper evidence does not.

          Get screenshots next time.


          • #6
            Re: Cheating

            For obvious reasons I am not going to discuss the details of the incident in question.I can meet any standard to establish what happened. Photographical evidence would be the ultimate tool I know. That however is not the real point of my post. No agency is intrested in these cases or what evidence exist.They will continue to get away with it untill someone has the authority and interest to investigate what evidence is behind an alligation.I reported it and I am willing to follow up that is my responsibility.This is not the time to question proof. After a complete investigation of the matter some governing body will decide if sufficient proof exist to sanction these players.By the way 34yrs service, seniority date April 1971. Thanks for your interest in this post all feedback is good.


            • #7
              Re: Cheating

              All obvious reasons. . . personally I can't see any obvious resons to not come forward with the info. A) its a game, B) do a search of the boards, threads with WAY more info than this happen all the time (and generally include screen shots) even though there is a stickied thread regarding this issues.

              Honestly, your claim to be a cop holds zero weight in my mind regarding your reliability and honesty. Cops ARE crooked to, not all cops but enough to make it a stereotype the rest have to live down.



              • #8
                Re: Cheating

                I have reported this incident maybe you didnt understand or I failed to make that clear both to punkbuster and EA games. No one knows what I saw or what level of proof I can offer. This is my point . I think I can prove what happened and I am willing to give the details to the governing authority. I will not expose these guys on this forum for obvious reasons.My profession does not give me credibility by any means nor does yours. I do know from experience what standards are needed for proof because of my profession. That is all I was trying to imply. No profession on this earth is free of those that will discredit it. The overwelming majority of my brothers in law enforcement are men of intregity and if you are really a rev. so are yours.This post was ment to let players know that the agencies that govern play dont follow up on these cases of cheating.Thats all not trying to air out any level of proof at this time or place. Thanks to all for your interest.


                • #9
                  Re: Cheating

                  I don't understand the reason people do this, to impress thier friends? Get more badges? All I know is this, once they get a rank worthy of recognition they get thier accounts banned and deleted. Don't let it bother you, just go to another server and keep playing the game that is the best advice I can give you. But let me asure you that they do not get anything out of it other than a banned and deleted account.


                  • #10
                    Re: Cheating

                    Let me sum it up for you.

                    Both Ea and Pb don't care !

                    Nough said.


                    • #11
                      Re: Cheating

                      Originally posted by shpox
                      Let me sum it up for you.

                      Both Ea and Pb don't care !

                      Nough said.
                      Thank for letting me know!


                      • #12
                        Re: Cheating

                        I don't see what the big deal is. The only benefit they receive from doing this is their stats are better, which gives them the right to...wait, it doesn't do ****. Oh yeah, it means they get first pick, it doesn't do that either. Ok, the person with the highest stats gets to bang the hot chick standing by the....****, wrong again.

                        I realize that it detracts from the reasons that you may have bought the game and whatever, but in the end it really doesn't mean anything. It has no affect on the game play at all.

                        Stats are neat but that's about it. Your E-Penis doesn't get any bigger if you're the most uber medic in an online FPS. You don't get a cash bonus. The good looking women aren't' suddenly more available. It's not something that's going to help you get elected to public office. It will not look good on a resume.


                        • #13
                          Re: Cheating

                          Originally posted by |^|wulf
                          Your E-Penis doesn't get any bigger if you're the most uber medic in an online FPS.
                          Best line, EVAR!


                          • #14
                            Re: Cheating

                            Originally posted by |^|wulf
                            Your E-Penis doesn't get any bigger if you're the most uber medic in an online FPS. You don't get a cash bonus. The good looking women aren't' suddenly more available. It's not something that's going to help you get elected to public office. It will not look good on a resume.
                            Are you serious?!?! Oh FFS - I QUIT!!!!!!

                            :P - good stuff there.

                            As for the original poster - it sucks to know that nothing is really going to be done about this I know. At the same time - there really is no point to stat padding other than to stroke your own online ego....and stroke I have.

                            Yes I admit - I have openly admitted on these boards that I have gone in with the sole intent on getting a badge or award - like the zipline veteran...but I harmed no one, and nothing in the process of doing it.

                            My team won each round that I was involved with getting my zip vet - I still kept the team supported, and helped get the win - but when we were up in pts - I was shootin zip lines like no one's business.

                            I go after awards because they are there - they are apart of the game and it just ****es me off with how hard some of them are to get...but I guess that is the point of the game, it keeps me addicted and playin like a mofo.

                            I cannot complain about the blatent padding, because every one of us is guilty of it in some form....Throwing out a few extra med packs or ammo packs, taking advantage of someone being afk....sitting idle in a vehicle or gun while you take a quick small as infractions may be - everyone has done something at one point or another....oh and I am not about to get into an argument with any of you holier than thou people. I don't want to hear it - I don't care.

                            The simple fact of the matter - there are holes in the system, and people are going to take advantage of them - just like in the real world...only here there are no real consequences.

                            I appreciate your efforts in trying to police the game - and for those people that are so blatently inflating their stats - I hope they get caught and wrists slapped for whatever reason...(which I am sure other people are saying - and including - as long as it is not me...right?)

                            Anyhoo - to more direclty answer the original post - take a look at the BF2 forums - there is a sticky there that goes into detail on how to report cheaters and the system used.

                            Edit: Oh and BTW - just because I said I may have padded a few stats - does not mean I really did it...or did I? No evidence, and my stats show nothing of the sort because of how much I really do play. So even if I had an infraction every now in then, or back in the day logged into a knife only server for a round or two before they were banned. No evidence? No wrong doing?


                            • #15
                              Re: Cheating

                              Couldn't you give the names and ip addresses or IDs to the server admin and have them banned from the server? I know this doesn't solve the problem, but if you continue playing on that server, then you wouldn't have to worry about those particulary offenders.

