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The Next patch is lame

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  • The Next patch is lame

    - Helicopter now carry 8 missiles rather than 14
    Ok so now the Helo's have to go get ammo more, waste of time - lame and unnecessary

    - TV-Guided missile now have a shorter range
    They couldn't hit anything before -lame and unnecessary

    - Hit points on all air vehicles has been reduced
    I like, must better but still it is to easy to just keep shooting at them and blowing them out of the sky -lame and unnecessary

    - AA missile lock has been improved
    Finally, they do something on this problem, most likely improved to hit teammates lol - Good Change

    - Support kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
    They were very unaccurate - Good change

    - Sniper kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
    Sniper noobs way to much -lame and unnecessary

    - Anti-Tank kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
    Anti-tank guns can't hit anything -good change

    - "Dolphin Diving" is no longer possible
    -lame and unnecessary i think?

    - Players can no longer jump and shoot at the same time
    Why not i can do it in real life -lame and unnecessary

    - "Prone Spamming" is now fixed
    seen very often -good change

    - "Sprint exploit" is now fixed
    -good change

    - The Sa80 weapon has been improved
    Good Change

    - The G3A3 weapon has been improved
    -Good change

    - Reload while sprinting has been enabled
    Nice but i could do it before, -good change

    - Chinese and MEC APCs can now shoot through penetrable materials
    Finally, been waiting for this - good change

    - Damage decreased for the M134
    hahaha sweet, -good change

    - Medic defibrillator paddles have been adjusted. They now reload while not in use.Finally, this has always been a problem were i get shot -good change

    Tell me they are gonna fix the red name on teammates !!!!
    How do you feel about the next BF2 patch?

  • #2
    Re: The Next patch is lame

    - TV-Guided missile now have a shorter range
    They couldn't hit anything before -lame and unnecessary

    Play a round with me and Ill show you otherwise... Besides the chopper changes, the rest is alright.


    • #3
      Re: The Next patch is lame

      Its only going to be lame for all the heil/plane camping whores and the dolphin driving noob tubers


      • #4
        Re: The Next patch is lame

        Good changes and bad changes. Sniper rifle change is good and bad so I don't care. Support weps were fine before/now so theres no reason for that. AA = fixed = good. Less air vehicle hp = bad because anti air is going to work now.

        Dolphin diving and prone spamming stuff like that is all good changes except for the not shooting while jumping. You can do it in real life, and now the anti tank people are gonna have a tough time when jumping out of an alley to shoot a tank....

        Armor whores are gonna own now...

        EDIT: They STILL haven't fixed the red tag bug or the c4 bug or the zipline bugs or the grapple hook bugginess....


        • #5
          Re: The Next patch is lame

          i like that patch.. overall it seems good. the only thing that worries me is about dolphin diving. it will affect most support players, as they need to dolphin dive to the ground b4 they shoot to lower ther inmense recoil


          • #6
            Re: The Next patch is lame

            I think a world wide demo protesting on this nasty new patch should be arranged.
            Bring your noob tubes, blackhawks and your nike airs.
            Jump and scream, noob and knife.

            Tell the world that this new patch will SUCK !!!


            • #7
              Re: The Next patch is lame

              some good things, but others like messing with the chopper is just stupid


              • #8
                Re: The Next patch is lame

                " "Prone Spamming" is now fixed
                seen very often -good change"

                Sorry but what the hell is Prone Spamming?


                • #9
                  Re: The Next patch is lame

                  Originally posted by =Y.R.A=Eejit
                  " "Prone Spamming" is now fixed
                  seen very often -good change"

                  Sorry but what the hell is Prone Spamming?
                  It is also known as prone hopping. It's when u repeatedly press the prone button and the jump button and it looks like ur jumping from prone. It looks ABSOULTELY retarded and it makes u almost impossible to hit. Anyways, i agree and disagree with topic starter: helis should have less rockets anyways, TV missiles are among the best missiles in game, if ur good, u can shoot at something u can't even see and eventually guide it toward a target.


                  • #10
                    Re: The Next patch is lame

                    Originally posted by Stryker
                    How do you feel about the next BF2 patch?
                    Its gonna rock

                    Originally posted by Slapidus
                    Its only going to be lame for all the heil/plane camping whores and the dolphin driving noob tubers


                    • #11
                      Re: The Next patch is lame

                      It does seem that people who don't like changes to the game are the same people who exploit areas of the game that end of being changed. I don't see anything wrong with these changes. Patches and game changes are made to make the game experiance balaned and a better game for everybody. Flying around in a helicopter and prone spamming isnt a better experiance for the community but patches like this are.


                      • #12
                        Re: The Next patch is lame

                        Originally posted by Stryker
                        - Helicopter now carry 8 missiles rather than 14
                        Ok so now the Helo's have to go get ammo more, waste of time - lame and unnecessary
                        Air power is too over powering, thank f*** they are toning it down. It is necessary to give everyone else a break from being raped.

                        Originally posted by Stryker
                        - "Dolphin Diving" is no longer possible
                        -lame and unnecessary i think?
                        If its unnecessary, then why are you concerned they are removing it ? My guess is your a n00b who does it all the time, but just wont admit to it for fear of flaming.

                        Originally posted by Stryker
                        - Players can no longer jump and shoot at the same time
                        Why not i can do it in real life -lame and unnecessary
                        :laugh: You cannot jump & shoot accurately IRL, just another n00b dependancy.

                        I guess when the new patch comes out, many players are going to drop in the rankings as they cant play as they are used to. Get over it.


                        • #13
                          Re: The Next patch is lame

                          You cannot jump & shoot accurately IRL, just another n00b dependancy.
                          Thats completely untrue, as a sniper, when I use my pistol, my life depends on my ability to jump AND hit the target accurately, which I often do. This no shooting while jumping thing is gonna totally screw over snipers at close range. Yeah yeah, I know they aren't supposed to fight close anyways...but still.

                          And not that im a major noob tuber but noob tube wh0res rely on jumping to gain the extra angle to fire thier nades from....accurate? Yes...


                          • #14
                            Re: The Next patch is lame

                            Originally posted by Alcorr
                            Thats completely untrue, as a sniper, when I use my pistol, my life depends on my ability to jump AND hit the target accurately, which I often do. This no shooting while jumping thing is gonna totally screw over snipers at close range. Yeah yeah, I know they aren't supposed to fight close anyways...but still.

                            And not that im a major noob tuber but noob tube wh0res rely on jumping to gain the extra angle to fire thier nades from....accurate? Yes...
                            Um, he is talking about real life man. I don't think u could accurately aim a pistol in real life in ANY situation anyways. Jumping just makes it worse.


                            • #15
                              Re: The Next patch is lame

                              Originally posted by Slapidus
                              Its only going to be lame for all the heil/plane camping whores and the dolphin driving noob tubers
                              I doubt that. Fixing 1 problem by adding 2 more isn't a way to go about things. The gameplay isn't even being considered in the majority of these fixes. The only one that I can see that isn't going to have an impact on something else is....the defribs charging automatically, other than that, wait until after the patch, this place will be loaded with threads saying "DANGED <insert alegedly lame person> GOT <insert COMMON game option> NERFED AND NOW WE CAN'T DO ANYTHING".

