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C4/Claymore guide, help

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  • C4/Claymore guide, help

    I'm putting together a large and interesting C4/Claymore guide, but I need some help do any of you know of any good spots to place C4 at? If anyone wants to hook up and play a round to find some good spots, here's my xfire: powgnarkill

    If you do know of some good spots then please post them screenshots would be nice too (.jpg or .png).

    Here is what I have so far:

  • #2
    Re: C4/Claymore guide, help

    Stick C4 to ALL your vehicles, it'll come in handy every now and then. Also deters your team slightly from stealing your ride because of the red warning signs saying 'could explode at any time'. I don't need to mention what happens if the ENEMY nicks your car... For extra comedy factor place C4 on the windshield so they jump in, see the pack of boomstuff planted in front of them and go "oh ****" before you turn them into a ball of flame.

    Also: if you leave the vehicle behind you might want to blow it so it'll respawn back at your base, thus helping your team or simply letting you have your ride back when you die.

    When you see some hotshot enemy coming towards you in some remote part of the map, run around a nearby corner while planting C4 on the wall. Once he jumps around the corner with his gun at the ready you press de fun button. Safer than engaging in a firefight sometimes.

    When planting multiple charges on your ride/flag/whatever keep the 5th charge. It sucks hard rushing up to a tank only to discover that you don't have ANY bombs left.

    As for claymores - planting them on a rooftop is relatively dangerous to your fellow snipers who might want to share it. Consider placing the mine next to the ladder along the wall before QUICKLY jumping onto the ladder and getting up above the mine sensor range. This way your friendlies can disarm the mine with a grenade. You could also just throw them down from the roof.
    If you DO have to mine the roof, consider placing the mine a few metres to the side of the ladder rather then right in front as so many people do. It doesn't trigger until they get off the ladder and people will always check for a claymore right in front of the ladder, but they might miss it if it's to the side.

    Like the C4 claymores are good to use in false retreats, fire some desperate shots at a guy and run like a rabbit, leaving a claymore around the corner. Style points for you
    Unfortunately the nature of the sniper makes it rather risky to place claymores since you'll usually be behind friendly lines and teammates seem to think that claymores contain yummy candy. On the other hand go nuts with the C4


    • #3
      Re: C4/Claymore guide, help

      For extra comedy factor place C4 on the windshield so they jump in, see the pack of boomstuff planted in front of them and go "oh ****" before you turn them into a ball of flame
      LOL, excellent tips, thank you .


      • #4
        Re: C4/Claymore guide, help

        Originally posted by EvilP
        ...Stick C4 to ALL your vehicles...
        Seems whenever I do that I get punished for a TK - maybe its coincidence?


        • #5
          Re: C4/Claymore guide, help

          Yes, C4 on your vehicles is awesome. One on front, back and each side. If someone runs and c4s you or fires a SRAW that kills you, your c4 should blow them up too!

          On Karkand, I place c4 on the hotel when im MEC and run and hide, play the waiting game and you should get like 3-5 kills on average.

          With claymores, I personally am pretty good with them. If you see someone and your pointblank, drop a claymore, back up and shoot them, they would probably turn or move and then they would set the claymore off. With any Friendly Fire off servers, pop em all over the place. A good spot for a claymore, and also a tip is to watch UAV. On sharqi peninsula and the servailence post i usually stick claymores on the broken parts of the walls, where the other team ofted go through and usually get a kill, more if they're a squad.

          By the way, i've tried to stick c4 to infantry and it didnt work?


          • #6
            Re: C4/Claymore guide, help

            I do that some times too. Usually I play medic and stay within site of the flag so I can watch it and just chuck a few nades up there and save my c4 for tanks.


            • #7
              Re: C4/Claymore guide, help

              it looks like you spent a bunch of time designhing the website, but all three of the guides you posted today werent that informative or helpfull, get more tips then post it.


              • #8
                Re: C4/Claymore guide, help

                Maybe not to you, but other said they had lots of tips.


                • #9
                  Re: C4/Claymore guide, help


                  EVilP you are one funny guy. Claymores have yummy candies :laugh: LMFAO

                  Im sorry I just had to give credit where it is due. Later,


                  • #10
                    Re: C4/Claymore guide, help

                    C4 doesn't stick to people.


                    • #11
                      Re: C4/Claymore guide, help

                      when beeing a commander, be a spec ops, hide near most important base and fill it with C4 , when you see some enmy's there to take flag, just set it off


                      • #12
                        Re: C4/Claymore guide, help

                        this works really good on karkand.
                        1 play as sniper and have your claymores ready
                        2 (MEC) run to the hill span where all the US spawn and just put all your clamores down next to the spawn, you will be killed BUT you are almost garunteed (sp?) 2 kills
                        (US) run into the alley ways where the MEC spawn put all ur claymores down, again u get 2 kills.

                        some say its spawn camping but if your just running wildly and placing them anywhere near the spawn, this tactic works a treat.

                        C4 (MEC) run to the little hole in the fence at the satrt of the game, near the hill where all the US spawn place a C4 then wait some one is bound to run through the gap, when they do BOOOM (this is also effective with claymores.


                        • #13
                          Re: C4/Claymore guide, help

                          If you place C4 on your vehicle and you have someone else in the vehicle you will get TK's if the vehicle gets blown up.

                          Drop claymores in front of stationary people or on top of snipers. Then watch them when they realise their fate is sealed


                          • #14
                            Re: C4/Claymore guide, help

                            Any chance you can post the guide with a link somewhere else?


                            • #15
                              Re: C4/Claymore guide, help

                              Real life Claymores have a HUGE lethal radius, but it aint that great in BF2.

                              Now, your claymore mine has a curved shape. If you are about to deploy it then you are holding it by the Y side and when you actually deploy it and an enemy runs by the X side then it will explode. ATM i'm still trying to get my basic explosive ordinance badge, which is hard, because my own foolis teammates running towards them hoping that candy will come out of them when they reach it, but have to dissapoint when they fly half across the gods dining table and punish you for it. ANYWAY! I still own the reagular BF2, because the lame stores in my country didnt have SF, but as far as i have found out: If you approach the mine by the Y side then it doesn't do thing, if you approach by the X side, your dead. at 8 - ... meters from the claymore, you will survive, but at 7 meters within the X side, it will explode.

                              C4 : At 10-8 meters it shouldn't do a thing besides make your sight dizzy and have a howl sound in your ears. at 7 meters 1/4 of health, at 6 meters, a wee bit more than 1/2 of healt, at 6 meters 2/3 health and at 5 meters it kills instantly. And that is with just 1 charge.

