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Actual Solutions: Bunny hopping, GL abuse, prone spam, etc. etc.

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  • #16
    Re: Actual Solutions: Bunny hopping, GL abuse, prone spam, etc. etc.

    Originally posted by ||ass||variable
    I think there's an ancillary issue at work here that I didn't mention the first time around. C4 should not be a ranged weapon. As it is, the ability to launch C4 (at a tank, at infantry, etc.) has marginalized the AT kit, especially in middle-range situations.

    You see 80% of the team as Spec Ops because it can perform the role of 2-3 other kits, and that's not the way a kit system ought to work. I am all for extending the throw range on the C4 by a meter or two (to help get it over railings, etc.) but it shouldn't be frisbee'd. Hence the limit on jump throws.
    Thats how i see it as well, c4 should be placed on stationairy targets, not used as some sort of remotely detonated uber sticky grenade. Making it rediculously effecive against anything ground based, especially those folks with their little c4 macro know what im talking about.


    • #17
      Re: Actual Solutions: Bunny hopping, GL abuse, prone spam, etc. etc.

      I forgot to mention an additionial little detail...

      I would stongly encourage a flate additive AND times 4 variable to your deviation when you jump that would last .5 to 1 second. The additive variable would ensure that weapons that don't have base diviation would be effected by the time 4 multiplier.

      The net effect is simple. Your aim goes to hell when you jump and you don't need to add a new deviation modifier for every single weapon for in air use. You could make it last a bit longer than it takes to jump and land, thus simulating the effect of being off-balance.

      The bottom line here is that we're coming up with all sorts of good ways to address the issues that DO NOT involve damaging legit use AND would actually be effective.

      Why is it so hard for the people who are being PAID to do this having such a hard time?


      • #18
        Re: Actual Solutions: Bunny hopping, GL abuse, prone spam, etc. etc.

        Originally posted by The 13th Raptor
        Thats how i see it as well, c4 should be placed on stationairy targets, not used as some sort of remotely detonated uber sticky grenade. Making it rediculously effecive against anything ground based, especially those folks with their little c4 macro know what im talking about.
        I do get what you mean here... but I'm thinking about all the times I've used C4 tossing in legit ways.

        Really, C4 is just a wad of explosives with a detonator attached. It's not fundementally unrealistic to lob them.

        More to the point, there are plenty of cases where lobbing C4 is fun and legit. For example: The other night myself and some friends were playing on Shaqui. We had managed to sneak up the hill to the observation post, but we knew full well that there were several enemies camped out defending the flag. I tossed some C4 over the wall and told my squad to get into position to rush the flag... *BOOM*! GO NOW!
        Man, it was great. The C4 took out 3 defenders and caused enough mayhem so the rest of the squad was able to get in and clear out the remaining defence.

        This is the sort of application where lobbing C4 does not mean a cheap "frisbee of air bursting death".

        SO... again, I propose that a delay on being able to switch to your detonator (not a huge one, mind you) is a superiour route to take over just not being able to lob.


        • #19
          Re: Actual Solutions: Bunny hopping, GL abuse, prone spam, etc. etc.

          Originally posted by Wargimp
          I do get what you mean here... but I'm thinking about all the times I've used C4 tossing in legit ways.

          Really, C4 is just a wad of explosives with a detonator attached. It's not fundementally unrealistic to lob them.

          More to the point, there are plenty of cases where lobbing C4 is fun and legit. For example: The other night myself and some friends were playing on Shaqui. We had managed to sneak up the hill to the observation post, but we knew full well that there were several enemies camped out defending the flag. I tossed some C4 over the wall and told my squad to get into position to rush the flag... *BOOM*! GO NOW!
          Man, it was great. The C4 took out 3 defenders and caused enough mayhem so the rest of the squad was able to get in and clear out the remaining defence.

          This is the sort of application where lobbing C4 does not mean a cheap "frisbee of air bursting death".

          SO... again, I propose that a delay on being able to switch to your detonator (not a huge one, mind you) is a superiour route to take over just not being able to lob.
          It's the lobbing + sticking that seems ridiculous - like being able to sidearm C4 15 meters onto the side of a moving tank. "Attaching" C4 to something should take time.


          • #20
            Re: Actual Solutions: Bunny hopping, GL abuse, prone spam, etc. etc.

            I always hear people saying that jumping should take a lot of stamina away. It does.

            And after it's gone, you can still jump all you want. You just can't run very fast until it rebuilds a little.


            • #21
              Re: Actual Solutions: Bunny hopping, GL abuse, prone spam, etc. etc.

              Originally posted by Wargimp
              Unfortunatly, I don't think the engine is really up to handling on-the-fly min range based arming. On the otherhand, we know that it's able to do time based arming (The gas launcher does it)......
              Psudo code:

              Set MinimumArmTime = CurrentTime + .75
              Do LaunchFunctions

              IF[CurrentTime < MinimumArmTime]
              Even better:
              ObjectTemplate.armingDelay 1
              The M203 fires at a velocity of 50. Assuming DICE means this in meters/second, that would make the thing arm after 50 meters. If it hits anything before that....I guess it'd just disappear and never go off, wasting that grenade. I'm not sure how the function handles things if it hits something beforehand, but the BF2 engine already supports that function there, so that pseudo code is a little too much since we already have it written (although the function itself would probably resemble it).


              • #22
                Re: Actual Solutions: Bunny hopping, GL abuse, prone spam, etc. etc.

                I think they should make the GL behave like the teargas in SF. Like wargimp said, if its arming distance is not reached, make it bounce, however, the distance should be shorter than the teargas of course.

                I also agree with Fig, that if the sprint exploit is not fixed, then it doesn't matter if you removed 1/3 or 1/2 stamina every jump. You will still be able to jump with out any.

