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Booted for TK before firing a single shot?

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  • Booted for TK before firing a single shot?

    How is that even possible? I got booted twice for excessive team kills. The first time I hadn't fired a single shot yet. The second time I defended the flag within the first 2 minutes TWICE, still not a single TK. Screen freezes, then booted.

    I keep trying to get interested in online play but it's such a hassle. Is it just aggrivating for me because I'm new to it? I have a hard time finding servers that are in english, or I get team killed all the time (and not on accident, at least not that suddenly-appearing-around-a-corner kind of accident. I'll be helping people defend a flag and suddenly my teamate turns around and shoots me when we're done). etc.

    And how do you talk? says the console command is game.sayAll [string]
    game.sayTeam [string]

    but the console says error or unknown.

    I'd love to ask these people why I'm getting this boot message and why people keep team killing me.

    Thanks =)

  • #2
    Re: Booted for TK before firing a single shot?

    well the boot is probably an admin making room for his friend/clan mate, tk is a pretty generic boot reason, dont let it bother you, just find some good servers add them to your favorites and play on them.


    • #3
      Re: Booted for TK before firing a single shot?

      I really haven't found any good servers yet. Any suggestions?


      • #4
        Re: Booted for TK before firing a single shot?

        I haven't found any bad servers. and I have not seen any NON english servers since I started playing. If I was home I'd list a couple IP's for my fav servers but I'm sitting at work right now.


        • #5
          Re: Booted for TK before firing a single shot?

          "hey bro...I know what your saying about jelly.....tell that c**t to get jelly...."


          • #6
            Re: Booted for TK before firing a single shot?



            Great server, unranked and strict rules tho.

            Some servers have a reserved slot script, it may kick you to make room, and itll show up as a kick for a tk.


            • #7
              Re: Booted for TK before firing a single shot?

              Just find another server, there are so many of them (but surpisingly few very good ones).


              • #8
                Re: Booted for TK before firing a single shot?

                Dude believe it or not TacticalGamer is EXACTLY the server I was booted from!


                • #9
                  Re: Booted for TK before firing a single shot?

                  Then there ya go. Tactical Gamer is a unranked server, so they have a lot of custom scripts etc. etc. You are must likely being kicked to allow a Supporting Member room to join. . Visit their forums to find out how to become a SM. One of the best damn servers I have found, I play there nearly all the time. EXCELLENT teamwork.

                  As soon as you join the server, you have 60seconds to join\create a squad or you get kicked. The teamwork is fanomonly. You guys should try them out.

                  Go to their site to get their IP.


                  • #10
                    Re: Booted for TK before firing a single shot?

                    Doesnt tactical Gamer also have the rule that you must join a squad within x min to not get kicked...

                    Anyhoo.... TK kick is apperently the easiest to remember... tried that, been there, done that


                    • #11
                      Re: Booted for TK before firing a single shot?

                      Well, that'd explain it. thanks guys =)


                      • #12
                        Re: Booted for TK before firing a single shot?

                        Just a heads up for Jofaba and anyone else that Can't get into the Tactical Gamer servers even though they show two free slots.

                        The way the script works is that if the server shows 62/64, it is actually full.

                        If you double click the server, you will start to join, seemingly you got in. However, before the level even starts loading, you will be dropped back to the server browser with the message you have been kicked for excessive teamkilling, etc. NO, you were not kicked for teamkilling.

                        What happened is that, you attempted to join the server, the server then checked your BF2 player ID and compared it to a list of player ID's of members that financially support the server. If your player ID is not on that list, you are denied access. If the server is at 61/64 or less, the script doesn't care about your BF2 ID and lets you in, regardless.

                        The message that you got kicked for teamkilling is a generic message and not configurable.

                        EDIT: This script, along with the non squad kick script, are part of the reasons why Tactical Gamer will never be ranked, as EA does not allow custom scripts.

                        -|TG| Bhack


                        • #13
                          Re: Booted for TK before firing a single shot?

                          You hit "J" to talk to all, "K" to talk to team, and "L" will talk to just your squad.
                          Also if your in a squad hold down "B" to Voice chat to your squad and if your squad leader hold down "V" to talk o the commander!


                          • #14
                            Re: Booted for TK before firing a single shot?

                            cool, thanks for the info all =)

                            I signed up in the Tactical Gamer forum earlier and about to try to play.


                            • #15
                              Re: Booted for TK before firing a single shot?

                              Originally posted by Jofaba
                              cool, thanks for the info all =)

                              I signed up in the Tactical Gamer forum earlier and about to try to play.
                              Yup, no problem.

                              Server is probably empty at the moment though. Starts to fill up around 7pm EST. If all you've played so far is single player, and then you jump straight to Tactical Gamer, skipping normal pub servers entirely, you have no idea the headache you just saved yourself.

                              Prepare to be sucked in to BF2. Also, make sure you get your hands on a mic if you don't have one. It's not required on TG but most everyone has one.

