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Cant seem to kill in planes!

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  • Cant seem to kill in planes!

    Everytime i drop bombs i tend to miss completely... any tips on how to drop bombs on targets precisely? also, how do you use machineguns on the plane to kill? ive seen others killing 60+ people in planes just with the machine gun. how the hell?

  • #2
    Re: Cant seem to kill in planes!

    and hovering with the harrier? whats the trick to that?

    thanks ppl..


    • #3
      Re: Cant seem to kill in planes!

      i think thats about being able to 'swoop' as in virtually coming down at the ground vertically then pulling up, ive seen guys do this time and time again often actually scraping the bottom of the plane on the ground.

      So try that, secondly practise and thirdly get a joystick

      EDIT: to hover in a harrier just pull back.


      • #4
        Re: Cant seem to kill in planes!

        Switch to bombs, go real high, head towards an enemy base at a downward angle, to where you can see the target boxes, but not a full dive. Line up you guns with the target boxs and unload. APCs, infantry, jeeps, AA implacements, helicopters(need to be on missles for these) are all easy to kill this way, tanks get bombs. That's for guns.

        Bombing, do the aforementioned steps, but come at a steeper decline, line up gunsights and drop relatively close, pull up. Steeper the dive, the less deviation from you point of aim the bombs are going to have.

        Oh yea, and please....practice on single player.


        • #5
          Re: Cant seem to kill in planes!

          When you drop the bombs, press F11! The view will switch and you can see where they hit. (Switch back with F9) Just practice a couple of times in Singleplayer, and you´ll get the hang of it.


          • #6
            Re: Cant seem to kill in planes!

            1. get a joystick. i reccomend the cyborg pro evo very nice

            2. watch this vid:

            with those two done you can maybe get an idea of what exactly you should be aiming to do angle wise and how to fly on a map without dying and racking up the kills!


            • #7
              Re: Cant seem to kill in planes!

              sod the bombs you have a bloody great cannon on the front of that plane!

              choose a flag of your choice (prefrebly one that the enemy has) make sure none of your team is at that flag, then hose the flag down with your big cannon like a strafing run in an old biplane, you'll be killing in no time

              if you do use the bombs the best way (i've found) is just to go high and come down on your target then bomb, think of a V shape, the bottom of the V is where you let the bomb go

              practice makes perfect, i prefer my PKM though.


              • #8
                Re: Cant seem to kill in planes!

                thanks guys. Will take the tips and advises. although the video is rather large 314mb.

                much appreciated all..


                • #9
                  Re: Cant seem to kill in planes!

                  What I find difficult is keeping at the right speed. Any good tips of good velocities to stay at?

