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"Clear!" button

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  • #31
    Re: "Clear!" button

    i find the commo rose easy to use actually, first it was very hard and irritating but i got used to it


    • #32
      Re: "Clear!" button

      I'd also like "Wait!" and "Cease firing!"
      Everything is already proximity. Go sit next to your commander and you'll hear everything he says in person. I always sneak up behind people and spam "Yes" and "Okay" until they turn around - then I knife em.
      Haven't you noticed that you can hear nearby enemy soldiers warn of a thrown grenade?
      Yeah, they should program it so that isn't said if friendlies aren't within a certain radius.

      Sometimes after I kill an enemy and get injured during the fight, I'll grab his kit, throw med packs on him, "consume" the packs and say "Thanks champ".


      • #33
        Re: "Clear!" button

        It would be good if you had some quick hot keys like on BF1942 but the retards at EA decided to destroy any type of commands by putting in a system that you can't use half the time and when you can it takes to long anyway.


        • #34
          Re: "Clear!" button

          F7 F3 in DC was the command for "Area Secure" would be useful if they added it in Bf2.


          • #35
            Re: "Clear!" button

            When I say "Clear" into the mic, my squad hears me fine.

            More people should use VOIP in this game ...


            • #36
              Re: "Clear!" button

              I'm glad I'm not the only person who thought we needed these. We also need a "Request air strike at this position" or "We need armor at this position!" message. That would REALLY help when you're capping a CP and an enemy tank decides to wonder in. Of course you're just as likely to have some noob bomb your squad and leave the enemy tank to recap the CP...


              • #37
                Re: "Clear!" button

                id like a stop or wait voice command so i can tell my damn jeep driver to stop. that way i have an actual chance of taking down that helicopter.


                • #38
                  Re: "Clear!" button

                  Originally posted by ||bfa||variable
                  Everything is already proximity. Go sit next to your commander and you'll hear everything he says in person. I always sneak up behind people and spam "Yes" and "Okay" until they turn around - then I knife em.
                  "Enemy sniper spotted" works even better.. I also add "Enemy Boat spotted" after I knife him :laugh:

