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Healing Points & Repair Points

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  • Healing Points & Repair Points

    A) The healing thing, I managed to get my basic first aid after 20 hours of playing the medic class (I mainly healed myself and pretended I was assault class without the overpowered GL). Anyways, what's the best way to get healing points? I somehow managed it by just driving around in a HumV on Mashtuur and stopped at every building that I had people at and luckily they were low enough to be worth a point. Usually I would run around and follow people trying to heal em, though when I do that, I usually only get a healing point every 3rd or 4th person. What gives?

    B) Repair points... Anyone got any tips on these? I've only been able to get like 3 in a round. Am I just picking bad servers where no one assaults our assets or should I be looking more towards mobile repairs (vehicles, instead of assets). Any help on this one would be great.

    Thanks for any help that anyone's got to share, I'm still a newb and just trying to get away from playing only medic, but damn that G36E is addictive.

  • #2
    Re: Healing Points & Repair Points

    I got my veteren first aid on Karkand by just dropping med packs everywhere, sticking with squads and giving them immediate aid, and if all else fails after that you can be a noobtard and shoot a teammate then heal him (that's just if you want heal points not actual points)

    Edit: Oh yeah and I hardly ever play engi, but if you get on a map with lots of vehicles you could just drive around in a dpv or something and repair friendly armor. Or better yet, get in some armor and do the same thing.


    • #3
      Re: Healing Points & Repair Points

      To get my veteran first aid I just played as MEC on Karkand and threw med packs all around the alley at the first spawn point.

      The best method I have found for getting repair points is repairing commander assests. You get about 1 point for each assest you fix, so if all the assests are gone you can easily get 4-5 right there. Another good way to get is to hop in the back of a blackhawk, and just repair it whenever it gets damaged. Don't try to repair armor, as I've noticed it is very difficult to get repair points this way.


      • #4
        Re: Healing Points & Repair Points

        Originally posted by TITAN126
        Don't try to repair armor, as I've noticed it is very difficult to get repair points this way.
        yeah man, tried that yesterday and got like 1 pt what a waste of time


        • #5
          Re: Healing Points & Repair Points

          Originally posted by rtgbs7k
          yeah man, tried that yesterday and got like 1 pt what a waste of time
          repairing team vehicles to keep them going is a waste of time? moron.


          • #6
            Re: Healing Points & Repair Points

            Originally posted by BigBadBob
            repairing team vehicles to keep them going is a waste of time? moron.
            Haha, what are you on dude?

            I only said that I tried and only scored 1pt hence I feel I wasted the hell did you derive from my post that I think repairing vehicles is a waste of time??:wall:

            I stood next to a tank, that kept getting shot at, and the time I spent 'wrenching' was a waste o time since...and read this u... I only recieved 1 pt.


            • #7
              Re: Healing Points & Repair Points

              how do healing points work


              • #8
                Re: Healing Points & Repair Points

                Originally posted by ConscriptVirus
                how do healing points work
                that's when you heal someone as opposed to revive.


                • #9
                  Re: Healing Points & Repair Points

                  Originally posted by rtgbs7k
                  Originally posted by ConscriptVirus
                  how do healing points work
                  that's when you heal someone as opposed to revive.
                  I don't know if he meant what I'm about to ask, but here goes...

                  Why do I sometimes throw a kit down at someone who's hurt bad enough to have their health bar above their head, and still not get a point for it? And other times when I do this same action, I DO get a point for it. I think that's where the confusion lies... Because the more I try, the more I get disappointed when I dont get credit for healing my allies. I mean sure, it's great that they'll live a few seconds longer now, but I'd like the game to give me some credit for it towards my next badge to show that I do heal my teammates too!


                  • #10
                    Re: Healing Points & Repair Points

                    Originally posted by midnit
                    I don't know if he meant what I'm about to ask, but here goes...

                    Why do I sometimes throw a kit down at someone who's hurt bad enough to have their health bar above their head, and still not get a point for it? And other times when I do this same action, I DO get a point for it. I think that's where the confusion lies... Because the more I try, the more I get disappointed when I dont get credit for healing my allies. I mean sure, it's great that they'll live a few seconds longer now, but I'd like the game to give me some credit for it towards my next badge to show that I do heal my teammates too!
                    You need to heal what is equivalent to a full health bar or in other words 100%. Same goes for repair points btw and that is why its a pain to repair a tank.


                    • #11
                      Re: Healing Points & Repair Points

                      Originally posted by rtgbs7k
                      Haha, what are you on dude?

                      I only said that I tried and only scored 1pt hence I feel I wasted the hell did you derive from my post that I think repairing vehicles is a waste of time??:wall:

                      I stood next to a tank, that kept getting shot at, and the time I spent 'wrenching' was a waste o time since...and read this u... I only recieved 1 pt.
                      From your post I got the impression you are in it for the points. And that you only got 1 point (but probable helped the team a lot) was a waste of time.

                      In other words, you are more concerned with some ****ing idiotic badges/ribbons and "special" points, that you didn't care that you were helping your team. Was ****ed you didn't get more engineer points.

                      It's a game, screw the points. HELP YOUR DAMN TEAM!
                      Jesus, the last few weeks it seems every player on every server wants to be alone and not help the team. Just want to get points, not caring that the enemy is at a base, and turn and run the other way. I've seen people see the enemy, and actually do that. Run away, when asked why: his K/D ratio was bad enough.

                      What the **** was EA thinkning when they created this ranking system? They had to know that all the little ****tards would not be concerned with teamwork, but with their own points. They created a great team system, amazing. But people don't give a **** about that, I'll tk you for this plane, so I can crash it into a helo and get 2 kills for 1 death.

                      50% of BF2 players are either retarted, or just plain dickheads.


                      • #12
                        Re: Healing Points & Repair Points

                        Originally posted by midnit
                        A) The healing thing, I managed to get my basic first aid after 20 hours of playing the medic class (I mainly healed myself and pretended I was assault class without the overpowered GL). Anyways, what's the best way to get healing points? I somehow managed it by just driving around in a HumV on Mashtuur and stopped at every building that I had people at and luckily they were low enough to be worth a point. Usually I would run around and follow people trying to heal em, though when I do that, I usually only get a healing point every 3rd or 4th person. What gives?

                        B) Repair points... Anyone got any tips on these? I've only been able to get like 3 in a round. Am I just picking bad servers where no one assaults our assets or should I be looking more towards mobile repairs (vehicles, instead of assets). Any help on this one would be great.

                        Thanks for any help that anyone's got to share, I'm still a newb and just trying to get away from playing only medic, but damn that G36E is addictive.

                        ad A)
                        To maximise points, go in a squad (one without a medic)... follow around, stay in the rear with SL (if he knows what to do)... revive and heal all you can, and provide cover too.... when running to capture a flag.. drop medpacks everywhere to heal you, and your buds if you get in a firefight.

                        Points work on a Percantage scale.... ie. Heal 10 ppl 10% = 100% = 1 healpoint... heal 2 ppl 50% = 100% = 1 heal point.... every % counts, so just start collecting.

                        Ad B)
                        This depends on what server your in... go with the feel... if the Speccies are going nuts on your assets, stay there... if not, find a tank/apc squad and tag along them...

                        For assets I prefer Wake as China or Sharqi as US... for hectice vehicle stuff (if they are a good team) Karkand is the place.

                        Engy points work the same way as Medic (and supply)


                        • #13
                          Re: Healing Points & Repair Points

                          For Heal points, drop your medic packs at important routes (where many people walk) and flagarea's.

                          For Repair points, go on Karkand, stick close to a tank (sit on him) and repair the commander assests if they get destroyed.


                          • #14
                            Re: Healing Points & Repair Points

                            Yeah drop them in high traffic areas, but not just in areas where people walk, in areas where people that lose health walk....


                            • #15
                              Re: Healing Points & Repair Points

                              Originally posted by Moke
                              Points work on a Percantage scale.... ie. Heal 10 ppl 10% = 100% = 1 healpoint... heal 2 ppl 50% = 100% = 1 heal point.... every % counts, so just start collecting.
                              You're my hero, thanks so much! I honestly had no idea about this and you just helped me out a ton. :salute:

