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Running over nubs with jets and the N00b Ejecter (M95)

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  • #16
    Re: Running over nubs with jets and the N00b Ejecter (M95)

    Thanks for the ignore link...I'm definitely ignoring this *******.


    • #17
      Re: Running over nubs with jets and the N00b Ejecter (M95)

      Age guess?



      • #18
        Re: Running over nubs with jets and the N00b Ejecter (M95)

        Who is this twat?


        • #19
          Re: Running over nubs with jets and the N00b Ejecter (M95)

          Good lord people...he was just @#$#ing around

          humor FTW!


          • #20
            Re: Running over nubs with jets and the N00b Ejecter (M95)

            Awesome dude, just awesome. I admire you.


            • #21
              Re: Running over nubs with jets and the N00b Ejecter (M95)

              If you want to know precisely whats wrong with this game,this is it. Selfishness. In a word.


              • #22
                Re: Running over nubs with jets and the N00b Ejecter (M95)


                Originally posted by bitvomit
                Unfortunately, I end up crashing the jet not soon after take off due to technical difficulties
                :laugh: :laugh: Thats the funniest bit :laugh: :laugh:


                • #23
                  Re: Running over nubs with jets and the N00b Ejecter (M95)

                  Yeah this does seem a bit out of character for bitvomit, but you've got to admit he does have a point (and I'm guessing his post was satirical and not something he actually did): The M95 is primarily used as a means of claiming 'your' jet or chopper. I mean, the 'shoot through glass' feature is nice, but be real - how often do you get a shot like that on an enemy unless you get a hovercapping BH (which hardly ever happens since 1.03) or you camp the enemy helipads/airstrips? I'll bet for every one enemy pilot that's been killed in BF2 using the M95 there have been 25 TKs by people claiming 'their' aircraft.

                  It's times like these that I'm glad I can't fly worth beans so I'm not around all the TKing/planecamping lovefest that happens on any map with jets or attack helis.



                  • #24
                    Re: Running over nubs with jets and the N00b Ejecter (M95)

                    it is my assumption that the original posted made this post to get some type of "haha thats funny" replies but alas, he is getting flamed or it.


                    • #25
                      Re: Running over nubs with jets and the N00b Ejecter (M95)

                      looks like no one understands sacracsm here


                      • #26
                        Re: Running over nubs with jets and the N00b Ejecter (M95)

                        Originally posted by Wolfgang Abenteuer
                        Yeah this does seem a bit out of character for bitvomit, but you've got to admit he does have a point (and I'm guessing his post was satirical and not something he actually did): The M95 is primarily used as a means of claiming 'your' jet or chopper. I mean, the 'shoot through glass' feature is nice, but be real - how often do you get a shot like that on an enemy unless you get a hovercapping BH (which hardly ever happens since 1.03) or you camp the enemy helipads/airstrips? I'll bet for every one enemy pilot that's been killed in BF2 using the M95 there have been 25 TKs by people claiming 'their' aircraft.

                        It's times like these that I'm glad I can't fly worth beans so I'm not around all the TKing/planecamping lovefest that happens on any map with jets or attack helis.

                        It's about time someone figured out that this was a thinly veiled M95 rant


                        • #27
                          Re: Running over nubs with jets and the N00b Ejecter (M95)

                          N00b Ejector LOL


                          • #28
                            Re: Running over nubs with jets and the N00b Ejecter (M95)

                            wow you sound like an ass too me and i dont see how this post is funny....


                            • #29
                              Re: Running over nubs with jets and the N00b Ejecter (M95)

                              I think this kind of ******* ***** ** **** makes me more ****ed than n00bs with tubes


                              • #30
                                Re: Running over nubs with jets and the N00b Ejecter (M95)

                                Originally posted by bitvomit
                                So I was playing earlier today on Moders 24/7 Wake Island server and I got lucky enough to get a J-10. I flew over to the USMC carrier and spied 3 attack chopper camping bubonic flopcakes so I decided to come around for another pass and ran all 3 of them over! I wish I could have seen the look on their faces when they saw my jet ramming them off the carrier. I came back to the carrier a few minutes later and the retardiots were still camping the chopper only this time they were prone (PWNT).

                                Anyway, the round ended and I got swapped to the USMC side so I spawned on the carrier as a sniper and ended up waiting about 10 mins for a ride when someone on my team in a heavily damaged F-35 came in to hover over the carrier for some repairs. I pulled out my trusty N00b Ejecter and used this mighty weapon for the sole task that it excels at: ejecting n00basaurus teammates from YOUR jet. I don't think the n00b was too happy. He gave me my 10th TK punish (LOL).

                                Unfortunately, I end up crashing the jet not soon after take off due to technical difficulties and I am stuck back at the carrier again. Finally a jet spawns but I am too late and someone else takes it. I ready my N00b Ejecter and take aim but alas, someone else beat me to the shot. Then someone else hops in and he is also binked in the head. I decide to take the jet and turn in it so I won't get sniped but a noobikaze bastard rams his jet into mine which angers me greatly and causes me to slaughter all 15-20 plane campers with the essex minigun before closing out BF2

                                NEVER EVER TAKE MY JET!!!

                                makes friends:

