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To Newb Tube or not to...that is the Question.

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  • #16
    Re: To Newb Tube or not to...that is the Question.

    why, cause once in a while, some guy jumps, fires the nade behind the other guys feet, and the splash damage kills them while the shooter lives (but yes, receives damage as well). As a hardcore GL user, I get about 10% of my kills that way, most are in the 10m-50m range, with more over that range than under it.

    I use it as a primary weapon 'cause its a 1-shot kill. How many CS:S players here use Scouts in matches?? Yeah, go ahead - Scout vs. AWP in a match and tell me you win the war.

    Here's an example for you - you decide on which is the best choice:

    Ex: Sharqi Peninsula-64, full server.
    I'm heading to the Alleyway flag from the NW, and I see a squad of 4 USMC soldiers that have just finished taking the flag. I'm assault class, and have my AK out, and I'm 20m away from them.

    1. Do I start firing the AK at them, which if I hit them will give my position away (hit indicator)? If I'm lucky I'll probably kill 2 with 1 clip, but by this time the other will know my position and the ensuing rain of bullets from them and whatever damage the 1st 2 dealt out will result in my death. Summary: I get 2 kills, maybe a damage assist or 2 later, and I die.

    2. I pull out the GP30, and drop a round at their feet, instantly killing 2. Since they're dead and didn't really get any hit indicator, the other 2 are not sure where to look for me. Also, the blast has given them a partial stun effect. With these 2 partially incapacitated, I'm free to push forward, reload, and drop at least one of them with my 2nd nade. I can then pull out the AK to finish the 4th guy. Summary: All 4 are dead, I've sustained no damage, still probably have 1-2 nades left to use, toss out my smoke for cover, and cap the flag.

    Which one serves my team better? Perhaps I'm missing something.

    The Assault class is for "Assaulting", which is defined as:

    Main Entry: 1as·sault
    Pronunciation: &-'solt
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Middle English assaut, from Old French, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin assaltus, from assalire
    1 a : a violent physical or verbal attack b : a military attack usually involving direct combat with enemy forces c : a concerted effort (as to reach a goal or defeat an adversary)
    Ever watch the movie "The Patriot"? There was a certain amount of Chivalry used in wars -- face each other, fire, etc..... We no longer use those tactics for fairly obvious reasons, and any argument against the GL is basically asking for us to take warfare backwards 200+ years.

    I'll stick to assaulting with my assault rifle and gl attachment. You can stick to crying about it.


    • #17
      Re: To Newb Tube or not to...that is the Question.

      Originally posted by The_Misfit
      why, cause once in a while, some guy jumps, fires the nade behind the other guys feet, and the splash damage kills them while the shooter lives (but yes, receives damage as well). As a hardcore GL user, I get about 10% of my kills that way, most are in the 10m-50m range, with more over that range than under it.

      I use it as a primary weapon 'cause its a 1-shot kill. How many CS:S players here use Scouts in matches?? Yeah, go ahead - Scout vs. AWP in a match and tell me you win the war.

      Here's an example for you - you decide on which is the best choice:

      Ex: Sharqi Peninsula-64, full server.
      I'm heading to the Alleyway flag from the NW, and I see a squad of 4 USMC soldiers that have just finished taking the flag. I'm assault class, and have my AK out, and I'm 20m away from them.

      1. Do I start firing the AK at them, which if I hit them will give my position away (hit indicator)? If I'm lucky I'll probably kill 2 with 1 clip, but by this time the other will know my position and the ensuing rain of bullets from them and whatever damage the 1st 2 dealt out will result in my death. Summary: I get 2 kills, maybe a damage assist or 2 later, and I die.

      2. I pull out the GP30, and drop a round at their feet, instantly killing 2. Since they're dead and didn't really get any hit indicator, the other 2 are not sure where to look for me. Also, the blast has given them a partial stun effect. With these 2 partially incapacitated, I'm free to push forward, reload, and drop at least one of them with my 2nd nade. I can then pull out the AK to finish the 4th guy. Summary: All 4 are dead, I've sustained no damage, still probably have 1-2 nades left to use, toss out my smoke for cover, and cap the flag.

      Which one serves my team better? Perhaps I'm missing something.

      The Assault class is for "Assaulting", which is defined as:

      Ever watch the movie "The Patriot"? There was a certain amount of Chivalry used in wars -- face each other, fire, etc..... We no longer use those tactics for fairly obvious reasons, and any argument against the GL is basically asking for us to take warfare backwards 200+ years.

      I'll stick to assaulting with my assault rifle and gl attachment. You can stick to crying about it.

      The issue is the one-shot kill at close range (<10m), which requires no aiming ability and almost never kills the user. That's it.


      • #18
        Re: To Newb Tube or not to...that is the Question.

        bull sh*t.

        I see more ".... is no more" after those types of exchanges than I do seeing the guy survive. Don't use a lack of reaction time on your part as an excuse to cry about the GL. Keep running along buildings, hallways, hills, etc, and I'll keep standing at a distance and watching you fly in the air.

        I'd bet my next paycheck that those <10m kills make up a far smaller percentage of overall GL kills, its just that they are the one's that put the sand in your vagina. Wash it out and get over it, this topic has been beaten to death.


        • #19
          Re: To Newb Tube or not to...that is the Question.

          Whatever kills people in the game will sooner or later be frustrating to a lot of people. One says 10 deaths to a grenade launcher in 1 hour is frustrating.. one saying its not powerfull enough cause the one shooting it doesent get killed, but is frustrated cause he gets killed by them. Sounds to me that some of you are frustrated over much different things then just the "noob tube", and the grenade launcher gets it.

          When it comes to accurace and soldiers in the game not dieing as soon as real life soldiers to a bullet - that is done for the gameplay, so that you dont have to respawn too often. The fun in running from the base to the front is overrated.


          • #20
            Re: To Newb Tube or not to...that is the Question.

            Originally posted by The_Misfit
            I'd bet my next paycheck that those <10m kills make up a far smaller percentage of overall GL kills
            Then you shouldn't have any issue with a minimum range fix. This item was, after all, #7 on the overall EA issues list.


            • #21
              Re: To Newb Tube or not to...that is the Question.

              Originally posted by HypnoticState
              For me the n00b tube is just plane old lame. It's like running around in Quake with the BFG, lame !! thats it period. At least ID games realised the error of there ways and allowed server admins to include the BFG on maps or not, 95% of servers removed it.

              There's no honour in this game compared to quake, example draw your knife in Bf2 you get your arse n00b tubed, get your gauntlet out in quake you got yourself a glove fight. Honour amongst men.
              OMG dont draw ur knife then if you dont want to get killed. The object of the game is to kill, not bum someone with a knife


              • #22
                Re: To Newb Tube or not to...that is the Question.

                Its called the n00b t00b for 2 reasons, 1 your a n00b, 2 you a sad t00b ****wit


                • #23
                  Re: To Newb Tube or not to...that is the Question.

                  i n00b tube only to get a hypocrite


                  • #24
                    Re: To Newb Tube or not to...that is the Question.

                    Originally posted by HypnoticState
                    Its called the n00b t00b for 2 reasons, 1 your a n00b, 2 you a sad t00b ****wit
                    My god im speechless at the quality of that comeback :laugh:

                    The reasons you have given dont make sense

                    The word 'noob tube' has come from my use of the grenade launcher? your second reason is pretty much the same as the first, which made no sense anyway so you have one **** reason not two


                    • #25
                      Re: To Newb Tube or not to...that is the Question.

                      I've got the badge now so i don't, would be nice though if there was some ppl game for a laugh though, you are obviously not one of those. Thx for telling me the object of the game, never sussed that one before.


                      • #26
                        Re: To Newb Tube or not to...that is the Question.

                        Originally posted by dazzy
                        My god im speechless at the quality of that comeback :laugh:
                        Yeah and I'm stunned you took it seriously enough to try and comeback all witty, which, incidently failed my friend.


                        • #27
                          Re: To Newb Tube or not to...that is the Question.

                          Originally posted by HypnoticState
                          I've got the badge now so i don't, would be nice though if there was some ppl game for a laugh though, you are obviously not one of those. Thx for telling me the object of the game, never sussed that one before.
                          What did you say...or mean to say?


                          • #28
                            Re: To Newb Tube or not to...that is the Question.

                            Originally posted by HypnoticState
                            Yeah and I'm stunned you took it seriously enough to try and comeback all witty, which, incidently failed my friend.
                            im stunned u were to retarded to find the edit button


                            • #29
                              Re: To Newb Tube or not to...that is the Question.

                              Originally posted by HypnoticState
                              For me the n00b tube is just plane old lame. It's like running around in Quake with the BFG, lame !! thats it period. At least ID games realised the error of there ways and allowed server admins to include the BFG on maps or not, 95% of servers removed it.

                              There's no honour in this game compared to quake, example draw your knife in Bf2 you get your arse n00b tubed, get your gauntlet out in quake you got yourself a glove fight. Honour amongst men.
                              I hope this is Satire. If not, you need to take a break from videogames for about a week; a month!

                              Also, look at your prespective on the world for a bit because YOU mah' friend SCARE me.



                              • #30
                                Re: To Newb Tube or not to...that is the Question.

                                Ye i hate this n00b tube term too.
                                But we aren't talking about grenade launchers in general here, we are just reffering to some retard jumping 6feet to the air and firing his tube to the ground 5 meter from him, which requires as much skill as taking a dump.
                                But after those 10m ranges, i treat grenade launcher as a worthy weapon, of the #1 grunt class (assault), and i don't mind if an assault grunt fires his GL into a bunker, or a defence hut near a flag - that's actually a part of the game i wouldn't like to go away (and i barely play assault)

                                Back to the topic, yes - a lot of people switch to GL to counter the gayhoppers, and it's not about getting the upper hand either (i usually outgun gayhoppers, since i played ET a couple of years), it just triggers a unique sattisying feeling when you blow those retards and watch them fly.

