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About to get an unlock, should i be one In SF or Vanilla?

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  • About to get an unlock, should i be one In SF or Vanilla?

    im about to get an unlcok probably within the next few days. im also going to buy SF on the weekend. Should i save my unlock for a gun in SF or should i just use it in the vanilla game. Ive already unlocked the g36c, m95, g3a3, and the l85a1. so i only have the anti tank and engineer left. Are there better guns than the anti tank and engineer unlock in SF?

  • #2
    Re: About to get an unlock, should i be one In SF or Vanilla?

    Wow, how you gain unlocks so fast? played since release or so, and only got 2 unlocks, medic and spec ops.


    • #3
      Re: About to get an unlock, should i be one In SF or Vanilla?

      Originally posted by sling
      im about to get an unlcok probably within the next few days. im also going to buy SF on the weekend. Should i save my unlock for a gun in SF or should i just use it in the vanilla game. Ive already unlocked the g36c, m95, g3a3, and the l85a1. so i only have the anti tank and engineer left. Are there better guns than the anti tank and engineer unlock in SF?
      Um, dude, when you buy SF, you're automatically going to get 3 choices of unlocks (SF or vanilla) then when you rank up (if you have the xpack that is), you'll get another 2 unlocks. I reccomend getting the AT unlock, and investing the other 3/5 in the new medic gun (insane accuracy), MG36 (most accurate LMG, plus, it's just awesome), and the F2000 (FB are great) for starters. THen, if you have ranked up, you can go with the SCAR-L and jackie, or the jackie and the MP7. BTW, you have to get the jackhammer to get the MP7. ANyways, i would get the MP7 if i were you, the SCAR-L is in most ways, inferior to the G36C, plus the MP7 PWNS, especially for a SMG.


      • #4
        Re: About to get an unlock, should i be one In SF or Vanilla?

        Originally posted by Rathax
        Wow, how you gain unlocks so fast? played since release or so, and only got 2 unlocks, medic and spec ops.
        to tell u the truth if u look at my stats in bfhq my name is f4tal1ty, ive barely played compared to most of the other players. for some reason when the second patch came out i gained three ranks for no reason. i shot one guy and got promoted, then another and got promoted, and the another and got promoted, ending up with free unlocks.


        • #5
          Re: About to get an unlock, should i be one In SF or Vanilla?

          Originally posted by sling
          to tell u the truth if u look at my stats in bfhq my name is f4tal1ty, ive barely played compared to most of the other players. for some reason when the second patch came out i gained three ranks for no reason. i shot one guy and got promoted, then another and got promoted, and the another and got promoted, ending up with free unlocks.

          And GG stealing somebodys name, Im sure you feel special when n00bs think your the real guy..


          • #6
            Re: About to get an unlock, should i be one In SF or Vanilla?

            What about the PKM???


            • #7
              Re: About to get an unlock, should i be one In SF or Vanilla?

              Well you obviously don't have a very high score, I got 14k, and ive unlocked lemme think....5 for vanilla...4 for SF.

              And by the way if you get 3 unlocks for bf2, you get 3 extra unlocks when you get SF, and you can use those on both.

              My fav gun is g36E, its SO accurate, yet quite powerful, and since you are a medic your team score is high too....


              • #8
                Re: About to get an unlock, should i be one In SF or Vanilla?

                I got about 6k points I beleive.

                Also, do you need the unlocked vanilla BF2 kit before you get the unlocked SF kit of the same kind? Like you need the Assault class unlocked on vanilla before you can unlock it on SF?


                • #9
                  Re: About to get an unlock, should i be one In SF or Vanilla?

                  I havent gotten my 3 unlocks when I installed the SF. Is there something I'm doing wrong?


                  • #10
                    Re: About to get an unlock, should i be one In SF or Vanilla?

                    yes you need to play to get them


                    • #11
                      Re: About to get an unlock, should i be one In SF or Vanilla?

                      I've only put in a couple of hours into SF, but I havent recieved any unlocks yet.


                      • #12
                        Re: About to get an unlock, should i be one In SF or Vanilla?

                        Originally posted by Rathax
                        Wow, how you gain unlocks so fast? played since release or so, and only got 2 unlocks, medic and spec ops.
                        n00bs :laugh:


                        • #13
                          Re: About to get an unlock, should i be one In SF or Vanilla?

                          Originally posted by MrTbIaTcH
                          n00bs :laugh:
                          Heh, just because Im not a nerd doesnt mean im a noob. I bet I can kick your 12yr old ass anyday.


                          • #14
                            Re: About to get an unlock, should i be one In SF or Vanilla?

                            Originally posted by Rathax
                            Heh, just because Im not a nerd doesnt mean im a noob. I bet I can kick your 12yr old ass anyday.
                            Dude, look at his handle. Anyone who still uses that oh-so-last-century leet speak is the ultimate noob, so you even noticing his lame insult gives him too much credit.


                            • #15
                              Re: About to get an unlock, should i be one In SF or Vanilla?

                              You get the unlocks when you go back to vBF2 - there are no unlocks givin in SF.

                              Also, you cannot unlock the SF weaps in vBF2 until you have unlocked the standard weaps.

                              In other words - you have to unlock the LA36 whatever medic weapon, before you can unlock the G36E.

