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Anyone ever use the Armored Personnel Carrier to carry personnel?

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  • Anyone ever use the Armored Personnel Carrier to carry personnel?

    It seems like most (all?) players use the APC like a mini-main battle tank instead of a fast, durable troop transport vehicle.

    Example: Strike at Karkand. US players grab the APC only to sit at the first flag firing on infantry and engaging light vehicles, and sometimes the enemy tank, ala an MBT.

    It seems to me that it'd make the most sense to pile a full squad into the APC, and use its superior speed and decent armor to blast through the front line and deliver a full squad to a deep flag, all within relative comfort and safety.

    I'd have a heart attack if I ever saw and APC drive into the enemy's line, pop smoke, and then release a full squad of infantry into the fray.

    It never happens.

  • #2
    Re: Anyone ever use the Armored Personnel Carrier to carry personnel?

    me and my buds do that i drive in do the smoke and let them get out then i drive away

    it works to but the problem with it is noone can talk to each ohter so knowone knows wat to do


    • #3
      Re: Anyone ever use the Armored Personnel Carrier to carry personnel?

      Why wouldn't you use it as a tank, it not like there is any other tank to counter it, unlike on good games like DC where you could have a proper tank battle, and if you are good you can take out a tank with it anyway.


      • #4
        Re: Anyone ever use the Armored Personnel Carrier to carry personnel?

        Hardly... however i don't like using apcs or tanks.


        • #5
          Re: Anyone ever use the Armored Personnel Carrier to carry personnel?

          I use the APC to transport troops whenever they want to jump in...most of the time troops just don't get in even when I ask them too...


          • #6
            Re: Anyone ever use the Armored Personnel Carrier to carry personnel?

            i use it once in a while as an actual APC...but most people don't get in them for the ride...kind of a death trap if you run into a tank or something


            • #7
              Re: Anyone ever use the Armored Personnel Carrier to carry personnel?

              I do it all the time, especially since I'm usually squad leader in my clan. As I roll towards a flag numerous people generally spawn inside and when I get to the flag they hope out and help me take it.

              Just talk to you squad mates, this game is about teamwork and coordination, you've got to communicate and explain your intentions.


              • #8
                Re: Anyone ever use the Armored Personnel Carrier to carry personnel?

                Originally posted by raceacontari
                i use it once in a while as an actual APC...but most people don't get in them for the ride...kind of a death trap if you run into a tank or something
                i agree 100%. i never get in an APC if i need a ride. when i'm the driver of an APC, no one ever rides with me either even if there's a bunch of people. whoever DOES ride with me ends up bailing out somewhere so he can snipe or beat it or something. the passanger seats in an APC just suck ass as well. i'm sure a decent squad can turn an APC into a nightmare, but for the majority of servers out there, an APC is just another lone wolf vehicle.


                • #9
                  Re: Anyone ever use the Armored Personnel Carrier to carry personnel?

                  I use the APC only for troop transport and protection. I never get it anywhere near a flag.

                  What I like to do is sit about 50m off from a given flag and allow my squad to spawn in and do the bulk of the fighting. The only thing you'll catch me doing is surpressing other light/med armored targets. And, drawing the attention of a tank away from the AT long enough for them to finish the job.

                  I NEVER use the APC as a means of heavy weaponary because it's just not very good at soaking the majority of damage dealt in a good firefight.



                  • #10
                    Re: Anyone ever use the Armored Personnel Carrier to carry personnel?

                    Hehe... I've thought about doing a thread like this one numberous times.

                    It drives me 'round the bend seeing some twit jump in an APC and drive off while there's a crowd of people shouting "Hey! I need a ride" following in his dusty tracks.

                    On the flip side, I played a great round of Kark where the SL was being smart with the thing (USMC) and making sure it was fully loaded before heading for thinly defended areas.
                    We rocked the map.


                    • #11
                      Re: Anyone ever use the Armored Personnel Carrier to carry personnel?

                      In a public server, it's all about whoring for points. I've tried to get people to enter a squad and get the back flags (example...on Karkand), but no one cares. Not many people even go for flags when I play, so APC/tank whore it is.


                      • #12
                        Re: Anyone ever use the Armored Personnel Carrier to carry personnel?

                        The worst one is where the SL is a medic in a single seater jet.

                        That sorta wacky **** just ****s me off, he's an SL, being totally useless (beyond occaisionally hitting a target, but point in case is that you cant spawn on this douchebag), and worse still, a medic who ain't healing or rez anyone.

                        Makes me wanna rip the bastards heart out then throw it at him.

                        On the ante, I gladly ride in anything coming my way. FAV, APC, hummer, vodka or whatever.

                        I'm not afraid of death in this game, what is there to fear when 15 seconds later you're alive again anyway?


                        • #13
                          Re: Anyone ever use the Armored Personnel Carrier to carry personnel?

                          Originally posted by ||ass||variable
                          It seems like most (all?) players use the APC like a mini-main battle tank instead of a fast, durable troop transport vehicle.

                          Example: Strike at Karkand. US players grab the APC only to sit at the first flag firing on infantry and engaging light vehicles, and sometimes the enemy tank, ala an MBT.

                          It seems to me that it'd make the most sense to pile a full squad into the APC, and use its superior speed and decent armor to blast through the front line and deliver a full squad to a deep flag, all within relative comfort and safety.

                          I'd have a heart attack if I ever saw and APC drive into the enemy's line, pop smoke, and then release a full squad of infantry into the fray.

                          It never happens.

                          you are right, no one does this at all. especially on karkand...everyone just wants to fight at the first flag and get points..


                          • #14
                            Re: Anyone ever use the Armored Personnel Carrier to carry personnel?

                            Well for on thing the people that use it as a tank almost always get to it first leaving a squad stranded far behind the front. With that being a great possibility squads normally choose to go strait into the fray or hoof it.


                            • #15
                              Re: Anyone ever use the Armored Personnel Carrier to carry personnel?

                              Sometimes as a squad. But no one ever uses it to take down things. The APC machine guns are rubbish.

