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Auto-play? How do you keep this from happening?

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  • Auto-play? How do you keep this from happening?

    When I load up BF2:SF, everything runs fine. When I log in to my takes forever...but then tries to throw me onto a server right away. It goes from the account loading a map on a server. How to I keep the game from auto-logging me on to a game server??? It's annoying as hell!

  • #2
    Re: Auto-play? How do you keep this from happening?

    there are two icon's for loading the game. They are something like "play BF2" (this it the one you are currently hitting) and "start BF2" (the one you should use).......(sorry I am at work and cant confirm).


    • #3
      Re: Auto-play? How do you keep this from happening?

      yes, like otorhinorrhea just said, you are clicking on the wrong icon.

      "Play BF2 Online Now!" and "Play Battlefield 2" are different things.

      "Play BF2 Online Now!" is what you are clicking - it throws you right into a game.

      Use the other icon.

      Yes, its silly, why would they do this when there is a link in game for it?


      • #4
        Re: Auto-play? How do you keep this from happening?

        thats ea for ya


        • #5
          Re: Auto-play? How do you keep this from happening?

          The above posters are correct. I would never hit the Play Now BF:2 icon. Same thing goes for BF:SF. Just delete the icon all together, that way you are not tempted to hit it by mistake.

