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SF Pwning

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  • SF Pwning

    Does anyone else here feel that with the realease of SF its breathed life back into BF2. To be honest i was coming to the end of my patience with vanilla bf2. But now with this!!! infantry have gooten a massive boost both in mobility and fighting power, its not to uncommon to see a regular ground troop at the top of the leaderboard rather than a tank/helo whore, which, is a welcome change. Anyone else loving Special Forces i know it will keep me coming back for more anyway!

  • #2
    Re: SF Pwning

    Agree totally dude.
    After six months, i was starting to get bored.
    However, since the birth of SF, its got me wanting more and more !
    There are bugs and load issues etc etc, but i really like the gameplay with SF.


    • #3
      Re: SF Pwning

      I am enjoying it as well - even more so enjoying the unlocks in vBF2. The part I am not enjoying is trying to get damn expert badges in SF. 44 kills in a round without whoring in a chopper just seems impossible so far.


      • #4
        Re: SF Pwning

        I finally recieved the expert badge for assault last night. The secret? A guy left a humvee in the dark so I jumped on the gunner and turned on night vision. Defending against a whole team racks up the kills insanely fast using the gunner technique. I'd recommend picking maps that are somewhat linear in or circular in flag capturing so you can anticipate which flag is bound to be attacked next.

        For instance the leviathan map as MEC and defending the northern port flag in that medium dark patch between flags.


        • #5
          Re: SF Pwning

          I agree dude. The new armies and maps are brilliant, and I'm now a reformed infantry player after my helo whoring days.

          For the expert badges I found that late night servers with no time limit and about 10vs10 give plenty of time to get 40 kills. Got my AT expert the other day on warlord and was very chuffed


          • #6
            Re: SF Pwning

            Agreed for all the reasons you mention. That and the fact there are definately far more "hahaha" moments in SF as oppose to vanilla. I always preferred being "ground grunts" in the original rather than vehicles, so not only is it more fun in general for me, but it suits my playstyle more.


            • #7
              Re: SF Pwning

              Agree also. I haven't played Vanilla BF:2 in weeks now.


              • #8
                Re: SF Pwning

                Yup i was starting to get a tad bored, but now SF has brought the fun back!
                When it dont crash


                • #9
                  Re: SF Pwning

                  Originally posted by BeerStein
                  I am enjoying it as well - even more so enjoying the unlocks in vBF2. The part I am not enjoying is trying to get damn expert badges in SF. 44 kills in a round without whoring in a chopper just seems impossible so far.
                  Well, if they had a badge for "Zip line went through kitchen window" I'd be decorated like a christmas tree by now.


                  • #10
                    Re: SF Pwning

                    Agreed. I actually play as Assault now!

                    I was on the roof of the compund on Warlord waiting for someone to walk out on to the balcony below me. Some dude walks out and stands on the balcony in the corner thinking he cannot be seen. I then zoomed into the back of his head - pretty much point blank from above - and then let the F2000 rip.

                    Im still erect. If only i had my Fraps turned on!

                    Thank you EA, now get working on more maps please

                    EDIT: Oh, and please change the British voices, they're f**king sh*te!


                    • #11
                      Re: SF Pwning

                      At 1am this morning I got 1st place in a full 64player server on WAKE (my most HATED OF ALL HATED MAPS) just by switching between medic and support as needed. I played as a foot soldier, had transport as my fav. vehicle and ended up with more than 60 teamwork points. When i asked "how the FCCK did i get 1st place last time????" the reply was pretty simple: "you camped that flag i just capped, you basterd". yea so a lot of people died, and the round ended with myself at 29 for 3. but hey? whos to complain? i blame my leet skeelz on SF, ive learnt muchos since i got that game.

                      Functionally I see the game as winnable if the whole team consists of medics, at and support. AT at cc, Medic for medium/close and Support for medium, distance. plus, less loss of tickets to death, enemy would find it hard to use armour or heli and chokepoints become a wall of bullets. between no armour and full health, theres also full ammo.

                      All other kits are derivitives of these three.

