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need Noob advice!

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  • need Noob advice!

    Im new to BF2, not Bf. If someone oculd help me on 2 questions I would greatly appreciate it:

    1) It seems like i cant aim correcly (or at leat hit my target, as i would expect to). It almost like my character sux with a gun. (in contrast to BF1 where i could take out a guy a mile awat with an assult rifle) Is this just me getting use to the game, or will my accuracy increase over time within the game?

    2)What are thwe quick rundowns of how to get medals easilt, how they work , and how to get unlocks.... (im sure someon has alreadt written abuot this, maybe i could be pointed in the rihgt dirction... thanks

  • #2
    Re: need Noob advice!

    Your aim is not the problem - I played bf1942 for the first time in months because of login problems with the bf2 servers. It was nice to play with no lag in bf1942 it is much easier to hit what you aim at. When you get the drop on someone in bf1942 they are dead, this is not always the case in bf2 where it seems like the other guy can turn and kill you in a second after you've been shooting at him for 3. It is amazing that after 3 years bf1942 is still a great game to play!

    That being said, I found the pace of bf1942 to be slower than bf2 - it just takes longer to get around the maps. I also missed the sprinting, squads, heal/ammo packs, tank smoke, and commo rose for spotting that are in bf2.

    If only bf2 and especially bf:sf could offer the relatively lag-free play of bf1942 then it would be the game it should be and a worthy successor to bf1942.

    As far as the rbbons and medals go:


    • #3
      Re: need Noob advice!

      Thanks so much... tht realy helps..

      I played 1942 (w/ all expansion paks), desert combat, and vietnam (i realy like vietnm)..... but bf2, while sometimes frustrating w/ controls, is great w/ almost every other aspect.... (i guess i just need to get used to the controls).

      by chance, you wouldnt know how to assign the 'mouse axis' to a control. FOr some reason, i can get it to recognize that i want my 'horizontal mouse axis' to assign to a steerin control for the heli. any one else run into this problem? (i posted this on another thread, but thought i might give it a shot here).


      • #4
        Re: need Noob advice!

        Single shot is your friend, try to avoid burst and full auto except in close range situations. One well placed shot with the ak-101 will kill a guy. Also, Pay attention to your hit indicator to see where you have to shoot to score a hit(your ping will also effect your accuracy, in one server it may be a hit but in another it may not). It all comes with experience. Once you get the hang of it, you will find it alot easier to bring down your enemies.

