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Expert Explosives Ordinance Badge

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  • Expert Explosives Ordinance Badge

    * IAR: 37 Kills with any combination of C4/Claymore/AT-Mine
    * 300 kills with explosives (C4/claymore/AT-mine)

    is it realy 37??? thats insane!!!! How in the hell are we supposed to get so many kills IAR with explosives

  • #2
    Re: Expert Explosives Ordinance Badge

    Throw C4 on a city maps server.


    • #3
      Re: Expert Explosives Ordinance Badge

      Originally posted by DrunkenPirate
      Throw C4 on a city maps server.
      I need something more concrete. btw if you dont even have veteran dont try to answer plz -.-


      • #4
        Re: Expert Explosives Ordinance Badge

        Your best bet is to find a 32 person server on the 64 person map, on Karkand or Sharqi. This will give you enough time to get the 37 c4 kills. I did this to get my vet commander badge, round lasted about 45 minutes.


        • #5
          Re: Expert Explosives Ordinance Badge

          Jihad jeeps...that is the way I got mine. I got it on Sharqi Penninsula.

          At the end of the round I had 55 kills - 48 or so were from C4. I was MEC, kept spawning where I could get a vodnik - load it up with C4 and drive to the closest US base and blew it as soon as I saw troops. I hardly ever did not use all 5 packs because I knew I was not going to live through the bombing.

          For a few kills I did sneak up on tanks, or leave a c4'ed APC or vodnik as bait outside one of their bases.

          The key is to have a good long round on the server. 64 player map, with 32 or less players - lots of tickets to get through.

          It is a tough tough badge - the hardest I have gone after yet for sure.

          I had many many many many many attempts and finally lucked into the round I did. I cannot tell you how many rounds I came within a super friggen frustrating 1-2 kills of the badge.


          • #6
            Re: Expert Explosives Ordinance Badge

            I just got my basic last night. I decided that before I get the next promotion, I should get all the basics that I needed. I was surprised at how easy it was to get 13 kills. 37 seems like a challenge, but I got 13 long before the end of the round AND on my first try (and I never play spec ops) so it doesn't seem impossible now.

            What I did was join a 64 man large map karkand and just threw caution to the wind and ran around throwin C4 packs and blowing people up, often killing myself (was not aware of how large the blast radius is).

            As USMC, I was able to get on that roof from the alleyway right south of the Hotel point while it was still under MEC control. I just continually threw C4 packs down into the alley, waited for someone to spawn or run through and then *BAM*

            Most of the time I would kill more than one person, I got 6 at one time (I think they all spawned on their SL). I got to ten kills in under 5 minutes that way. So I would say that that is the best way to go.

            However, this was my first experience with that stupid switching bug. I must have gotten killed or killed myself 6 times in the round because of that. That must suck for people who play spec ops a lot.


            • #7
              Re: Expert Explosives Ordinance Badge

              Yeah when I got my expert I ran into the switch bug for the first time ever. Never had been a problem until I noticed it just recently. I read all the problems people have had, but never personally seen it. Now that I have seen it - it happens all the time - HOLY CRAP is that ANNOYING!!! LMAO


              • #8
                Re: Expert Explosives Ordinance Badge

                you mean that the charges explode befor pressing the button?

                btw thx for the tip, much apprichiated!! xD


                • #9
                  Re: Expert Explosives Ordinance Badge


                  Tthe bug is when you put down a C4 and then switch to the detenator, sometimes it switches BACK to C4 and, instead of detenating the C4, you just throw another pack out. This gives your opponent a chance to shoot you or you have to get even further away to be safe. It definitely sucks.

                  Oh, and BTW, good luck getting the badge.


                  • #10
                    Re: Expert Explosives Ordinance Badge

                    "sux" just doesn't cover the badges aren't hard enough to get (still working on vet myself), this bug makes it twice as bad


                    • #11
                      Re: Expert Explosives Ordinance Badge

                      Originally posted by evilzucchini

                      Tthe bug is when you put down a C4 and then switch to the detenator, sometimes it switches BACK to C4 and, instead of detenating the C4, you just throw another pack out. This gives your opponent a chance to shoot you or you have to get even further away to be safe. It definitely sucks.
                      yea now I know what are you guys talking about, I have experienced it, but i just though I pushed the "wrong button" in the middle of the fight, so really, sux, but how can it be that its not fixed? (since 1.03)


                      • #12
                        Re: Expert Explosives Ordinance Badge

                        i havent tried for the expert yet, but i got my vet and basic alll at clean sweap, since there are alot of buggies, and alot of armor moving around, i was even able to blow up a low hovering helo, which some how they said i ramed


                        • #13
                          Re: Expert Explosives Ordinance Badge

                          37 suicides is just to much, I dont think you will get it in CleanSweap....


                          • #14
                            Re: Expert Explosives Ordinance Badge

                            Originally posted by pYura
                            37 suicides is just to much, I dont think you will get it in CleanSweap....
                            Also, for every suicide, you need another kill. So jihading probably isn't the best technique to get this badge.


                            • #15
                              Re: Expert Explosives Ordinance Badge

                              OMG, yesterday I made a 36kills run with all C4 (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( HOLY CRAP (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((((((((

