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Stats/Rank has gone pear shaped! Anyone else?

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  • Stats/Rank has gone pear shaped! Anyone else?

    After the down time yesterday my stats have gone bizzare.

    In the game my rank had dropped from Staff Corporal to private yet checking BFHQ showed all my awards, points and rank intact.

    Then when I leveled up in the game to sergeant it fixed itself. But after winning a couple of badges a ribbon and a rank I have been checking my stats all day and there has been no change. Also when I play the game I'm back to being staff corporal rather than Sergeant.

    It's a bit crap like and it's put me off playing today.

    Anyone else getting a similar problem?

  • #2
    Re: Stats/Rank has gone pear shaped! Anyone else?

    BF2S is showing some odd rank sigs too, probably a result of yesterdays messup.


    • #3
      Re: Stats/Rank has gone pear shaped! Anyone else?


      Everything is back to normal now. Although I never received the badges, ribbon and points for about 4hrs of play on Sunday. :hmm:

