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  • Noobs

    Just got from a game (flying jet) and my god they are idiots they all stand at the jet and think there not going to get runeover i killed 7 of my own team mates because they wouldn;t move i think EA should make it so if your in a jet you don;t get teamkills because i have been banned from 50 server because of these noobs who think of them selfs and not the other people playing the game :evil: or and click me

  • #2
    Re: Noobs

    . and ; and , are your buddies. Use them.


    • #3
      Re: Noobs

      ya i hate those little sobs go play halo if ur going to act like that what i do is get out of the jet stick c4 to the engine let him have the jet so when he is flying i blast the noob to hell


      • #4
        Re: Noobs

        Originally posted by SmokeySnipe
        EA should make it so if your in a jet you don;t get teamkills because i have been banned from 50 server

        1. No, if EA made people in planes NOT get teamkills then the idiots who are stat padding with the planes will just kill anyone and not care what they bomb. They will make the plane padders worse.

        2. Im glad you keep getting banned....the less plane whoring, the better.

        The jets seriously need to be nerfed.


        • #5
          Re: Noobs

          Listen if you've been banned from 50 servers its you who is the "Noob".


          • #6
            Re: Noobs

            i seriously think the people who sit under the planes are noobs the first one to the plane should fly if you are not the first one there the wait for the next one or go fight theres no reason to wait for the person to die in the jet if there are a bunch of ppl under the plane just get out and let them have the jet chances are if they are noobs they will crash and youll have a new jet in a few seconds


            • #7
              Re: Noobs

              If you want the jets to be "nerfed" then go play Special Forces please. Jets are simply awesome, they are the kings in the game and it is frankly annoying when people place vehicles on runways, stand ontop of the plane etc. If you loose your chance on the plane then go **** off and get something else...


              • #8
                Re: Noobs

                I hate that when it happens, luckly for me if I got teh USA fighter jet I can just hover my way up and away!


                • #9
                  Re: Noobs

                  First off, the grammar is repugnant. You should go get the speak-and-spell special forces/education edition. If that is the best paragraph you can bang out, you have no business wasting your time on video games. You should uninstall and pick up a book.

                  I am betting that you are fighting others to get into the plane and therefore are a whore. I hope I end up on one of the servers you are banned from.

                  Don’t make everyone's gaming experience suck because you have issues with sharing !

                  Lastly - when I see people say "n00b" it tells me - hello..... I am new. Check out this phrase I picked up when I got on line last month. Please abuse me.

                  Ok ? Thanks.... bye.


                  • #10
                    Re: Noobs

                    Originally posted by SGT_Clintok
                    First off, the grammar is repugnant.
                    What does that have to do with anything?


                    • #11
                      Re: Noobs

                      Originally posted by CaptJordus
                      1. No, if EA made people in planes NOT get teamkills then the idiots who are stat padding with the planes will just kill anyone and not care what they bomb. They will make the plane padders worse.

                      2. Im glad you keep getting banned....the less plane whoring, the better.

                      The jets seriously need to be nerfed.
                      yep the best example is FireBird*DS* lol was in thier server he TKed ppl like crazy to keep his jets also if he would always be an AT and shoot the jet if a teammember got to the jet B4 him and then if they punsih him they got Banned


                      • #12
                        Re: Noobs

                        How am i the noob have you seen me play you silly roach


                        • #13
                          Re: Noobs

                          Dnt understand those people, if they care so much for stats to threaten you with losing yours, they are lowering their "k/d" ratio by dying while you are just getting some teamkills, which, tbh, sooner or later you will get some anyway.

                          If you crash often and have to repeatly run over your teammates on the runway you proberly dont deserve the jet anyway.


                          • #14
                            Re: Noobs

                            i average 50ikills a round


                            • #15
                              Re: Noobs

                              Well instead of being a plane whore, go join a squad and play infantry and you wont have to worry about the idiots that like to stand in front of the plane. BTW those are not noobs plane sitting, they are punk immature kids.

