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Tk for weapons sad.....

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  • Tk for weapons sad.....

    i havnt bought the BF2:SF expansion yet but i got a clan mate to unlock the F2000 and SCAR-L for me. now to what this post is really about.

    i was playing on a karkand server and i got Team killed by about 3 diffrent ppl who just wanted to take my gun. it started to get annoying so i changed server and it happend again any1 else get this crap?

  • #2
    Re: Tk for weapons sad.....

    , well that answers a ot of questions, i was bf2 and getting tk very often , i just though, oh well that happens but now u have told me whats happened to u , it makes sense as i always use my medic unlock special forces . oh dear, well looks like there will be using page down to punish now.

    Thanks for the info.

    if i see it happening on my clan server , a def ban is called for.


    • #3
      Re: Tk for weapons sad.....

      not really funny its real annoying.


      • #4
        Re: Tk for weapons sad.....

        Oh well, shouldn't be using guns that arn't avalible to everyone in the game, you got what was coming to you.


        • #5
          Re: Tk for weapons sad.....

          ^^ Psycho obviously if you simply can't afford the expansion pack your loss... we people who bought it will gladly use these weapons. I don't agree what you said right there as it is extremely childish. If you don't agree with using SF weapons in Vanilla BF2 then complain to EA. I don't really give a sh*t if someone else doesn't have SF and don't have the SF unlocks, there problem...


          • #6
            Re: Tk for weapons sad.....

            Originally posted by pentium
            ^^ Psycho obviously if you simply can't afford the expansion pack your loss... we people who bought it will gladly use these weapons. I don't agree what you said right there as it is extremely childish. If you don't agree with using SF weapons in Vanilla BF2 then complain to EA. I don't really give a sh*t if someone else doesn't have SF and don't have the SF unlocks, there problem...
            1) i can easily afford it.
            2) you have to be pretty stupid to buy it when you can get teh guns for free
            3) you can get the whole game for free quite easily
            4) I don't really want it that much just seems buggy and under optimised, bit like BF2 really.


            • #7
              Re: Tk for weapons sad.....

              Originally posted by Psycho
              Oh well, shouldn't be using guns that arn't avalible to everyone in the game, you got what was coming to you.
              ok thats kinda stupid to me the SF guns arnt that great and u r probally the person who would go TKing just to try them out lmao


              • #8
                Re: Tk for weapons sad.....

                Originally posted by jdogg88-Fed
                ok thats kinda stupid to me the SF guns arnt that great and u r probally the person who would go TKing just to try them out lmao
                Not really there are far more effecient and practical ways to get them if i really wanted them.


                • #9
                  Re: Tk for weapons sad.....

                  Originally posted by Psycho
                  Not really there are far more effecient and practical ways to get them if i really wanted them.
                  true do like i do just pick em up from dead bodys or whats ur way and ur right that game is kinda buggy


                  • #10
                    Re: Tk for weapons sad.....

                    simple do everyone else a favor keep SF unlocks in SF and not in BF2. Thanks


                    • #11
                      Re: Tk for weapons sad.....

                      I've noticed this problem too... In fact on the server I admin on it seams like only the admins have the upgrades and we often get TKed for them... We've started to just ban anyone that TK's when its in a spawn and they then take the kit...


                      • #12
                        Re: Tk for weapons sad.....

                        The only person who has ever TKed me for my SF weapon is my friend. The bastard. Although, our friendship survived it.


                        • #13
                          Re: Tk for weapons sad.....

                          'Punish' is your friend.


                          • #14
                            Re: Tk for weapons sad.....

                            I had this one guy following me around (I was using the g36e), so I stopped and asked him if he was after my weapon, he said yes when you die, so i suicided and gave it him and asked if he would like to try the others I have to which he said he wouldn't mind so I suicided and let him try all my SF unlocks, after all it's only a game and I respawn and he got to test all my SF weapons, after doing this he thanked me and said he would be buying SF.

                            I can't see the big deal in TK'ing for them but each to there own.


                            • #15
                              Re: Tk for weapons sad.....

                              Originally posted by SmokeySnipe
                              LOL its gay i know but its funny when the follow you waiting to die and join your squad
                              click me
                              Read the terms of service for the site you are advertising:
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                              All one of us has to do now is report you, and your account is gone. It's people like you that make forums stagnate.

                              Back on topic, yes, it's happened to me as well. The best thing to do is punish them, and life will go on. Most of the time they stop after a punish, and 1 death really is nothing.


