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Poll to remove arty from SF

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  • #16
    Re: Poll to remove arty from SF

    Blow it up, wait around a couple mins for the supply drop, resupply and blow it up again. Then it will be quite some time before the next crate can be dropped anyway. And the commander can't fix ALL the arty with one drop.


    • #17
      Re: Poll to remove arty from SF

      ozziegt, I hear ya, but at the same time, part of the reason the game works so well is that there are no jets. I'm a jet whore myself, but can easily recognize why jets aren't allowed in SF. Artillery isn't much different from constant carpet bombing, and I think the poll shows this.

      Almost 2/3rds think arty needs to be changed, with only almost 1/3rd voting to leave arty exactly is. Hopefully, DICE will pay attention to this when its patching/tech support for your community time next.


      • #18
        Re: Poll to remove arty from SF

        It should be removed, but it won't be.

        Originally posted by oaKenFoLd
        Almost 2/3rds think arty needs to be changed, with only almost 1/3rd voting to leave arty exactly is. Hopefully, DICE will pay attention to this when its patching/tech support for your community time next.
        LOL They don't even read their own forums, nevermind this one.


        • #19
          Re: Poll to remove arty from SF

          i think that the artillary should be kept but the full scan should be removed, any half good hiding spot is easily reaveled, if the uav tags you its one thing but for something across the whole board?


          • #20
            Re: Poll to remove arty from SF

            Originally posted by TITAN126
            It should be removed, but it won't be.

            LOL They don't even read their own forums, nevermind this one.
            There are a few EA QA people that I communicate with and who browse this forum regularly, they are not viewable in the memberlist or the "Who's Online" areas though.


            • #21
              Re: Poll to remove arty from SF

              i agree...often it will destroy sneaky and funny cant hide with your team without there is some artillery bombing your ass to vanilla the arty is ok...BUT CUT IT IN SF...

