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flash bangs are realy bugged

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  • flash bangs are realy bugged

    In some rounds when you trow a flash bang it just won't go off, it does nothing, even when I drop it in fron of my feet and look at it from realy close nothing happens, it just disapears.

    in other rounds, some go off and some don't, then sometimes they alwas work .

    DICE god dammit do something about it, you give us special tools and they don't work

  • #2
    Re: flash bangs are realy bugged

    thats a clipping problem right? I've been lucky so far then...


    • #3
      Re: flash bangs are realy bugged

      I've had that problem but with frag grenades D:

      really ****ed me off last night I was surrounded by SAS trying to take my flag and I was dumping nades everywhere and they wouldn't explode so I got owned....frustrating!


      • #4
        Re: flash bangs are realy bugged

        Yeah, seen this many times. Seems to be that the grenades just fall into the abyss and go off somewhere in the depths of hell.


        • #5
          Re: flash bangs are realy bugged

          no clipping problem i thing, the flash bangs nomatter where I trow them, they just don't go off, even if i trow them at my own feet.


          • #6
            Re: flash bangs are realy bugged

            I have had frag's not go off, I was on surge and threw grenades at a planked up hole in frence so I could get through it, threw 3 at it, every one bounced at bottom and just sat there not going off then they disappeared!

            Didn't want to try at my feet as they probably would of gone off then.

