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Cheating or skillz?

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  • Cheating or skillz?

    the dark side of the battlefield 2 allows you to use many abilities that some considered to be, xploitz.

    I was playing on a wake/city map server yesterday, got into a J10, and began to fire away in a J-10 against enemy cobra. the conversation went.

    some (HT)clan admin: kicking (my name here) for cheating
    me: what did I do?
    admin: how come I don't get missile warning sound? I hate cheaters
    me: switch to bombing mode
    admin: but missile gives you lock on tone
    me: i didn;'t use missile
    admin: ...
    me: i use machine guns

    and after a few more passes, I was kicked for "taking teammate's vehicle" (I suppose it's valid, because the plane I was flying in can be considered to be the team's asset)

  • #2
    Re: Cheating or skillz?

    gotta love kiddie admins. dont worry about it. im sure he would have found a reason to kick you even if you did convince him you werent cheating.


    • #3
      Re: Cheating or skillz?

      So funny...

      I suck with jets but even I know to switch to ground mode if you want to sneak up on other jets or helicopters (not that I can actually hit anything with the guns )...


      • #4
        Re: Cheating or skillz?

        I'm not any good at machine guns either. I might get better if I learn to ease off that throttle some.


        • #5
          Re: Cheating or skillz?

          That admin was obviously a completly n00b.


          • #6
            Re: Cheating or skillz?

            Dumbass, Admin, seems to be a lot of them these days. Next thing you know he'll kick you for putting medic packs for the enemy....

            About those jets. The trick is to slow down to maybe the 500's 400's from a long distancr away and fire guns, when you get a little closer (Speed should be even slower) fire the missles ! Works great for choppers. Then once your down, put the throttle up and use the afterburner to get your speed back up.

