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1.12 "Patch Failed Problems"

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  • 1.12 "Patch Failed Problems"

    Ok, I searched all over the forums (more than one) and tried numerous solutions and they all end up failing. When I go to install the patch I end up with a "Patch Failed" error.
    Anyway I tried changing my install directory, I tried Uninstalling/Reinstalling TONS of times. I tried to manually patch it (you know w/ the %temp% directory), but that says "Could no find patch file, Enter a new name and directory for the patch file, press enter to quit." I have downloaded three version of the patch (thinking my luck there all corrupt). I have also installed under a different admin account (EA games suggestion).
    I have the patch log and it seems to have problems with the foriegn language lines (I don't think that matters but anyway). Then at the very end it has a problem finding the patch file in my temp directory. PS: I have attached and posted the patch log. My BF2 is installed in C:\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2 (custom) in case you need that for any reason.

    PATCH Version 8.10 - RTPatch(R) Professional - Software Update System
    DOS/16-bit Windows/32-bit Windows Edition
    (C) Copyright Pocket Soft, Inc., 1991-2005. All Rights Reserved.

    ----- Processing Patch File -----

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'AIDLL.dll'

    Updating ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    File successfully Updated!
    Deleting Old File

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'admin\standard_admin\'

    Updating ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    File successfully Updated!
    Deleting Old File

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'BF2.exe'

    Updating ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    File successfully Updated!
    Deleting Old File

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'bf2_w32ded.exe'

    Updating ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    File successfully Updated!
    Deleting Old File

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'BF2Audio.dll'

    Updating ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    File successfully Updated!
    Deleting Old File

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'BF2VoipServer.dll'

    Updating ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    File successfully Updated!
    Deleting Old File

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'BF2VoipServer.exe'

    Updating ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    File successfully Updated!
    Deleting Old File

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'BF2VoipServer_w32ded.dll'

    Updating ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    File successfully Updated!
    Deleting Old File

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'BF2VoipServer_w32ded.exe'

    Updating ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    File successfully Updated!
    Deleting Old File

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'mods\bf2\Localization\chinese\chinese.utxt'

    warning wpt0015: Old File does not exist

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'mods\bf2\'

    Updating ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    File successfully Updated!
    Deleting Old File

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'mods\bf2\'

    Updating ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    File successfully Updated!
    Deleting Old File

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'python\bf2\stats\'

    Updating ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    File successfully Updated!
    Deleting Old File

    Applying MODIFY File Patch for 'mods\bf2\Settings\Controls.con'

    Writing New File
    Verifying - Passed!
    Deleting Old File

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'CoreDLL.dll'

    Updating ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    File successfully Updated!
    Deleting Old File

    Applying MODIFY File Patch for 'dice_py.dll'

    Writing New File
    Verifying - Passed!
    Deleting Old File

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'mods\bf2\Localization\dutch\dutch.utxt'

    warning wpt0015: Old File does not exist

    Applying MODIFY File Patch for 'python\bf2\stats\'

    Writing New File
    Verifying - Passed!
    Deleting Old File

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'mods\bf2\Localization\english\English.utxt'

    Updating ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    File successfully Updated!
    Deleting Old File

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'mods\bf2\Localization\french\french.utxt'

    warning wpt0015: Old File does not exist

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'mods\bf2\Localization\german\german.utxt'

    warning wpt0015: Old File does not exist

    Applying DELETE File Patch for ''

    Old Version of File '' does not exist.

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'mods\bf2\python\game\gamemodes\'

    Updating ...
    Updating to next version ...
    File successfully Updated!
    Deleting Old File

    Applying DELETE File Patch for 'mods\bf2\python\game\gamemodes\'

    Deleting Old File

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'mods\bf2\Localization\italian\italian.utxt'

    warning wpt0015: Old File does not exist

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'mods\bf2\Localization\japanese\japanese.utxt'

    warning wpt0015: Old File does not exist

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'mods\bf2\Localization\korean\korean.utxt'

    warning wpt0015: Old File does not exist

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'Memory.dll'

    Updating ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    File successfully Updated!
    Deleting Old File

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'Memory_w32ded.dll'

    Updating ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    File successfully Updated!
    Deleting Old File

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'mods\bf2\'

    Updating ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    File successfully Updated!
    Deleting Old File

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'mods\bf2\'

    Updating ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    File successfully Updated!
    Deleting Old File

    Applying HISTORY File Patch for 'mods\bf2\'

    Updating ...
    Updating to next version ...
    Updating to next version ...
    error ept0009: Invalid Patch File 'C:\DOCUME~1\Steve\LOCALS~1\Temp\bye7D3.tmp\Disk1\ bf2\patch.rtp'

  • #2
    Re: 1.12 "Patch Failed Problems"

    error ept0009: Invalid Patch File 'C:\DOCUME~1\Steve\LOCALS~1\Temp\bye7D3.tmp\Disk1\ bf2\patch.rtp'

    Here is your problem. Delete EVERYTHING from your temp. folder. Try re-installing the patch. Everything else looked fine, but it seems that you are missing this file. If re-installing after the clearing of the temp folder doesn't work let me know, and I will see if I can extract just that file and send it to you.


    • #3
      Re: 1.12 "Patch Failed Problems"

      First of all clearing the temp folder was a good idea, but it didn't work entirely. Ok, this is weird. I have been watching my %temp% directory like a hawk everytime I start up the patcher. It seems like it only creates the patch.rtp when it feels like it! Sometimes it only creates the patch.exe prog. and some other stuff and other times it will create that plus patch.rtp, etc. But it does seem to create the patch.rtp file each time but the same error shows up in the log, saying theres a problem w/ that file (even though I delete it and force it to create a new one each time!). I also tried manually patching it w/ the DOS prog. patcher, stops at the same spot.

      PS: I would really like to get a "real" version of the patch.rtp file my gmail account is not sure if the email can handle a 200+ mb attachment though. If you can think up another way to transfer me that file I would REALLY appreciate it!! It might actually solve the problem!


      • #4
        Re: 1.12 "Patch Failed Problems"

        I had a problem with my patcher not "finding" the main patch file at a specific point during the patch. The normal patcher just said hell with it and stated "Patching Failed." Running the DOS patcher figures the patching process out better but usually requires a couple of runs (it will close at a specific point and get farther during the subsequent run). But I had to finalize the patching process with the real patcher. Good news is that when the DOS patcher verifies the normal patcher will probably do the same.
        Ok problem was taken care of and It took hours to figure out what the hell the program was even trying to do. It was getting confused on that file in my log and it was also having problems w/ various files w/ the manual patcher. But this is what I did inorder to get the patcher to work.
        1) Completly uninstall and reinstall into a custom directory (EX. C:\EA Games\Battlefield 2)
        2) Do a reboot and start the game up. Join an online server, allow it to finish loading and everything and just exit (this should orgainize all the BF2 files and temp. directories)
        3) Restart into Safe Mode (hold F8 during boot).
        4) Once in safe mode type %temp% in RUN. You are now able to clear everything in this folder. Wipe it all out! (keep the folder open for convience)
        5) Now run the patcher, up until the very last step (when the Install button displays).
        6) You know the routine, copy everything in the 'random name generated folder'. Should include patch.exe, cdkey checker, etc. Copy all of this into your main battlefield directory.
        7) Ok now move the other folder that the patch created (all of it) into your main BF2 directory also. Run patch.exe, if it asks you were the patch file is just type the location of the patch.rtp file. This file is BY FAR the most important, the largest, and the most sensitive to reading/writing/extracting to. It should be 268mb or 274,751KB one is probably the size on disk and the actual size. May have to repeat to get it to create all the files CORRECTLY; just delete %temp% direc. and repeat this step.
        8) Ok now the patcher should be the patcher like a hawk, even though it takes a while! Many files will say something like "file doesn't exist, no copy necessary," or something like that. Most of these are demo files, language files, or the files are already intact by a previous patch/change in the directory.
        9) If you patcher is like mine keep watching it until it says verifies and completes sucessfully. If it doesn't and it just seems to close our without an error or a verification stage then it must be ran again.
        Don't get discourged if it doesn't finish the first time (took me about 3-4 to complete). Just head back to step 7 and repeat.
        10) Ok this is important don't EVER run BF2 unless your sure the verification stage appeared. You can always run the manual patcher again to make sure (it will just skip the files it thinks are intact).

        One more thing, If the manual DOS patcher verifies sucessfully and you run BF2 and it closes out w/ a black screen or something of that nature. Run the DOS patcher and just try running the REAL patcher. I had to run my DOS patcher a couple of times then the real patcher once to finalize and verifiy everything (first time I say that gay generic patcher of EA's work!). NOTE: If BF2 is going to patch and work correctly, the first time BF2 runs sucessfully it will take about 5minutes (it felt like) to start the game up even to the EA logo! This is because it has to organize everything again and make sure itself is intact. If you interrupt this process, head back to one of my previous steps b/c you probably corruped the directory and the patched files. That should make BF2 playable.

