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Can't respawn bug...?

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  • Can't respawn bug...?


    Okay let me qualify this...

    I was playing in a tournament over the weekend. Fushe pass. I have SF and all the patches.

    I died. We had a couple of SL was still alive and not in a fire fight. However, I couldn't spawn. This happened couple of times. Usually, it's because I'm on the squad menu, instead of the kit menu. So I kept going back and clicking on kit. Only to find I was back on the squad menu. I clicked on a few flags and nothing... the game ended and it was corrected...but it happened a few times.

    Anyone encounter something similiar?

  • #2
    Re: Can't respawn bug...?

    bumpity bump bump


    • #3
      Re: Can't respawn bug...?

      That's a new one on me............


      • #4
        Re: Can't respawn bug...?

        thats very weird lol


        • #5
          Re: Can't respawn bug...?

          Ive had that happen to me several times but at differant times. It wont let you even click a spawn point. Usually I just wait in the respawn screen where it shows time till respawn and eventually it will carry you back to the spawn map, then lets you pick but it lasts for at least 2-3 minutes without being able to spawn.

          Also I do not have th SF add-on so I think it would be safe to say its not a problem with special forces.

          anyone else?


          • #6
            Re: Can't respawn bug...?

            Yup happends to me on one map (Zatar Wetlands). At first I thought my BF2 was fubared. I later formatted (new motherboard) and had a chance to do a fresh-clean install of BF2. Well guess what?....same problem on the same exact map!! I'm basically stuck and have to avoid that map because being able to re-spawn is very unlikely. If I click on a spawn-point, nothing happends. If I wait, and wait, I might get lucky. If we loose the spawn-point, then I'm right back to the same problem when attempting a new spawn-point. This occures both before and after I installed SF. I don't have this issue with any of the SF maps. It occurs under the 1.03 and 1.12 patches.


            • #7
              Re: Can't respawn bug...?

              thats happened to me a couple of times. i just click somewhere else then click again on the SL, and sometimes you just have to wait for no reason.


              • #8
                Re: Can't respawn bug...?

                See this is a tricky bug, because it's easy to confuse it with not being in the Kit selection menu. If you're in the Squad selection menu, the game won't let you spawn.

                Thanks, I thought I was going nuts. I never this problem with vanilla.


                • #9
                  Re: Can't respawn bug...?

                  YES... i had this problem just last nite!! my squad leader was on a hill overlooking the fish factory and i could spawn.. he was alive and not on ladders or nething, the yellow spawn icon was fine and nothin.... well random... come to think of it its happened to me a few times since installing v1.12


                  • #10
                    Re: Can't respawn bug...?

                    happens to me all the time on that map.

