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Forget SF

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  • #16
    Re: Forget SF

    I bet its going to be based more around air/naval battles. They've already got a little of everything (BF2) and they already have the infrantry centered combat (SF).


    • #17
      Re: Forget SF

      Originally posted by Al3x
      Their first one is fine to me haters. Why are you on a BF2 forum if you dont like the game honestly...
      Well, possibly the dumbest thing that can be said on a forum, yet one of the most said. People go to the forum to express their views about the game, they don't have to be a fan boy like you.

      By the way, just cause the game works fine on your computer doesn't mean it does for everyone. Think outside the box you live in.

      Another by the way, there are few people that think the gameplay is bad, it is the glaring technical problems that people are ****ed at.


      • #18
        Re: Forget SF

        I love SF, and i cant wait to figure out whats next, SF have taken BF2 to a new level, so good to be rid of all these wannabe top gun morrons bombing both friendly and hostals to hell.


        • #19
          Re: Forget SF

          To me, other than the complete game crashes and the red name bug, bf2 isn't as buggy as other games. At least when you shoot people they actually die, unlike socom II.

          And SF isn't all that bad, sure there are problems,for example some maps are so stupid (iron gator comes to mind most often) and the insurgents/rebels/spetsnaz get no new weps. O yeah and the british commander voice sounds bad. But other than those few things its really not bad for 30$.


          • #20
            Re: Forget SF

            Originally posted by HicRic
            Hahaha, they totally messed up BF2, it still isn't fixed after all these patches, SF is a MESS of problems, and they think anyone will buy yet another poorly coded, system-hogging piece of rubbish?
            Hey Sluggo, until robots start programming software you will have to put up with imperfections in games. Infact, you would have to wait until robots, built by robots, built by robots, built by robots, built by robots start programming. Robots built by humans would be flawed. Much the same way BF2 is flawed. It is still a wonderful game though. Most of the complainers could change things though. Become a modder, make the game the way you want it. If you are good enough, the big game companies will wanna hire you, then you could get paid to make the games the way you wanted them to be. Until then, please, for all of our sakes, SHUT UP!


            • #21
              Re: Forget SF

              I will only buy the other expansion if it gives the game som serious upgrades like many new game modes and many maps...


              • #22
                Re: Forget SF

                I'd like some jungle and especially Snow/Ice maps, I think that would be fun in the snow!


                • #23
                  Re: Forget SF

                  more tanks / apcs / planes would do me very well and even some sea ships


                  • #24
                    Re: Forget SF

                    Its proberly not actually a new expansion pack, more of a large patch that we have to pay for.


                    • #25
                      Re: Forget SF, the next ex-pack is comming.....

                      Originally posted by Dandy
                      The date is sett for the next expansion pack it will be releast in mars 2006, you can preorder it now from

                      What it will contain havent been told yet.

                      Im hoping for an WW2 ex-pack, but problebly it only will be an add on, example NATO or other countries like France, Germany e.t.c. Maybe "Battle for Europe" once again (WW3)

                      The Source is the swedish home page

                      In time, will prbobly get to now the contence of the ex-pack.

                      Let's just hope for the best

                      No thanks, I'll pass. I'm done with DICE/EA for a while. An expansion pack that causes everyone to get a 20-25 FPS drop (making it unplayable to a majority) proves to me they're not able to ship a game worth my money. For now, I'll just hold out hope that they can correct whatever mistake(s) are causing the expansion to be unplayable.


                      • #26
                        Re: Forget SF

                        They need to have some random weather,wind,rain,snow.i will still buy it tho i love sf.


                        • #27
                          Re: Forget SF

                          Originally posted by Apox
                          Well, possibly the dumbest thing that can be said on a forum, yet one of the most said. People go to the forum to express their views about the game, they don't have to be a fan boy like you.

                          By the way, just cause the game works fine on your computer doesn't mean it does for everyone. Think outside the box you live in.

                          Another by the way, there are few people that think the gameplay is bad, it is the glaring technical problems that people are ****ed at.
                          I like it, and I don't have very many problems.

