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New Veteran ZipLine / Grappling Hook Info

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  • New Veteran ZipLine / Grappling Hook Info

    Okay, If you were to fire off a zipline/grappling hook once every 10 seconds and you did this 24/7 it would take you...

    20.8 days, or 3 weeks.

    Good Luck.

  • #2
    Re: New Veteran ZipLine / Grappling Hook Info

    Wow. :O

    Is there a stat somewhere that shows you how many hooks or zips you have deployed?


    • #3
      Re: New Veteran ZipLine / Grappling Hook Info

      Also going to need luck getting those SF medal requirements...4500 hours.... :rofl:


      • #4
        Re: New Veteran ZipLine / Grappling Hook Info

        Originally posted by FM_Echo_One
        Also going to need luck getting those SF medal requirements...4500 hours.... :rofl:
        12 hours a day for a year will get you that medal.


        • #5
          Re: New Veteran ZipLine / Grappling Hook Info

          Who plays for 12 hours a day? Almost nobody.

          I think the new stats are wrong anyway, they were pulled from game files that also contain things like the jet ribbon in SF, and various other commented-out awards.


          • #6
            Re: New Veteran ZipLine / Grappling Hook Info

            and if you played 24 hours a day, to get all of the faction medals, it would take 3 years. thats if you were a robot and played non-stop, no eating, sleeping, drinking, no stopping at all.


            • #7
              Re: New Veteran ZipLine / Grappling Hook Info

              I'll laugh when someone actually gets it
              But I'll say WTF!! when 5 gets 'em


              • #8
                Re: New Veteran ZipLine / Grappling Hook Info

                I don't know what EA was thinking. Did they really believe we'd play this game long enough to get all those medals? It dumb, in my opinion.


                • #9
                  Re: New Veteran ZipLine / Grappling Hook Info

                  "I don't know what EA was thinking. Did they really believe we'd play this game long enough to get all those medals? It dumb, in my opinion."

                  bf2 doesnt have much life left.. Yea there is bf2 SF but thats dying for some people already

                  bf2 will be dead before anyone gets those


                  • #10
                    Re: New Veteran ZipLine / Grappling Hook Info

                    the medals are only 250 hrs not 4500 I think. And vet grapple wont be that hard to get, It will prob only take me a month or two.

