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Commanders there is no need to point out EVERY enemy you see OVER AND OVER AGAIN

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  • Commanders there is no need to point out EVERY enemy you see OVER AND OVER AGAIN

    Honestly, it totally ruins the fun when you have to listen to that over and over again. I just disconnected from a server I was having a blast on, until some guy got on there and started doing that. He was a Sgt Major, and nobody outranked him. It just makes everyone miserable. The stupid mutiny doesn't work, and when you ask him to stop he starts doing it more. Everytime this has happened it has always been on a losing team.




    The only points a commader gets are the teams average, times two if you win.

  • #2
    Re: Commanders there is no need to point out EVERY enemy you see OVER AND OVER AGAIN

    When the commander does it, I consider it helping the team. Its the team that doesn't take advantage of it. Usually, the commanders I've seen would spam the "enemy spotted" utility when an enemy is about to take an unguarded base and it sucks when you're the only one on the team that is actually aware of it.


    • #3
      Re: Commanders there is no need to point out EVERY enemy you see OVER AND OVER AGAIN

      Originally posted by nbft
      When the commander does it, I consider it helping the team. Its the team that doesn't take advantage of it.
      How can it be helpful, I can't concentrate at all with all that noise. It make me sick. Almost everyone hates it.


      • #4
        Re: Commanders there is no need to point out EVERY enemy you see OVER AND OVER AGAIN

        Originally posted by nbft
        Usually, the commanders I've seen would spam the "enemy spotted" utility when an enemy is about to take an unguarded base and it sucks when you're the only one on the team that is actually aware of it.
        That is helpful, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about when the commander does it the entire round nonstop.


        • #5
          Re: Commanders there is no need to point out EVERY enemy you see OVER AND OVER AGAIN

          It helps the team by telling the infantry squads where exacly can the enemy be found without any suprises, the commander does get points for every spotted kill, and you s|k did not make any sense, since I proved your thread to be wrong.



          • #6
            Re: Commanders there is no need to point out EVERY enemy you see OVER AND OVER AGAIN

            its simple u stupid TWAT kill the enemy and he will shut up!!! So before you do a hate post do your job first, Hes only trying to help you do your job and win the round!


            • #7
              Re: Commanders there is no need to point out EVERY enemy you see OVER AND OVER AGAIN

              I only do that when spawnrapers are at the base, or a lone wolf is caping a flag and there is a guy persuing him and i don't wanna waste the UAV on him.


              • #8
                Re: Commanders there is no need to point out EVERY enemy you see OVER AND OVER AGAIN

                when im commander i do it a couple of time if there is a enemy close to one of my team mates or squads or if there is somebody taken a flag that my team mates do not know about


                • #9
                  Re: Commanders there is no need to point out EVERY enemy you see OVER AND OVER AGAIN

                  uh what are you smoking? your complaining about noise?

                  oh please stop shooting! i cant concentrate with all the noise!

                  its a good thing your commander gives a crap


                  • #10
                    Re: Commanders there is no need to point out EVERY enemy you see OVER AND OVER AGAIN

                    You really shouldn't rant about someone who was trying to help you win the round. So it made a little extra noise. Wouldn't you like to know where the enemy is, so you just don't walk into a flag and get your @$$ shot up? Stop posting random complaints about what other people are doing and how you feel about it, as it contributes nothing to the community. And what does this have to do with SF?

                    And in the future, the EDIT feature is quite helpful, so you don't have to make two consecutive posts responding...


                    • #11
                      Re: Commanders there is no need to point out EVERY enemy you see OVER AND OVER AGAIN

                      Originally posted by simio1337
                      It helps the team by telling the infantry squads where exacly can the enemy be found without any suprises, the commander does get points for every spotted kill, and you s|k did not make any sense, since I proved your thread to be wrong.

                      YUO FAIL AT TEH LIFE
                      they get points for spotting? wtf


                      • #12
                        Re: Commanders there is no need to point out EVERY enemy you see OVER AND OVER AGAIN

                        Originally posted by Fall0ut
                        they get points for spotting? wtf
                        No but if you spot the enemies for squads, they will have a better chance of killing enemies. The more enemies they kill, the higher their score will be. If they get a high score, then the commander will, too. See how it works?


                        • #13
                          Re: Commanders there is no need to point out EVERY enemy you see OVER AND OVER AGAIN

                          I do know what hes saying, just a few commanders CONSTANTLY spam "enemy spotted" "enemy spotted" "enemy spotted" "enemy spotted" throughout the whole game, the commander being the only person not stopped by the voice comms spam function that effects all others players.

                          Its very frustrating because it dosent help you spot the enemys as its just a constant barrage of noise after a while, noise that cant be muted. Don't get me wrong i love it when a commander spots targets, especially the important stuff like tanks and helicopters but not if he dosent even stop to breath between screaming out targets.

                          On the other and if only there was a way to spot targets for individual squads (i know there isnt i just thought of this) OR the spotted commands are only audible for people within "X distance" of the target it would probably be a different story as this wouldnt be distracting for every one else in the server. Just my thougts on the matter.


                          • #14
                            Re: Commanders there is no need to point out EVERY enemy you see OVER AND OVER AGAIN

                            Originally posted by TITAN126
                            No but if you spot the enemies for squads, they will have a better chance of killing enemies. The more enemies they kill, the higher their score will be. If they get a high score, then the commander will, too. See how it works?
                            Really, supposedly, every spotted enemy killed (i think it works for uav too) you get like 1/4 of a point (it only records full points though). So it does help, but it's a bit annoying to tell ur squad or ur team what to do via chat when teh cmdr is spamming away with spotted messages.


                            • #15
                              Re: Commanders there is no need to point out EVERY enemy you see OVER AND OVER AGAIN

                              Let me just clear this issue up:


                              Sorry, but I'm fed up of hearing that myth perpetuated. Commanders receive points based on a team average, so of course if your guys get lots of kills you'll get more points. And by spotting, you help people get those kills. Do you see?

                              I'm sorry to be so forceful on the issue, it's just that...the truth needs to be known!

                              TITAN126, thanks for helping spread the truth.

