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Jet Gunning Help

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  • Jet Gunning Help

    I need help on how to be a good shooter on the jet, i always miss other jets im following, either the bullets go to much infront, or to much back, either way i always end up missing, even when there lined up infront of me and i seem to have the cross hairs right on their back, i miss, i guess i move it up and down to much, but any help will do, im doing pretty good at droping bombs, i just suck at gunning other jets.

  • #2
    Re: Jet Gunning Help

    best bet mate, is to go into bombing HUD then you can close on the enemy without their being aware of your presence. close right in on them, hopefully they wont notice until its too late and they're filling your HUD, then you cant miss!


    • #3
      Re: Jet Gunning Help

      good advise also works to gun ground units as you can see them in the bombing hud


      • #4
        Re: Jet Gunning Help

        Patience is the key here. Wait until they level off or fly smoothly. This usually happens when people go for a bombing, or ground strafing run. And that is when you gun, and fire off an air to air missle or two.


        • #5
          Re: Jet Gunning Help

          you gotta find the plane u wanna kill in bomb mode so he isnt readily alerted to ur presence...but dont just start firing wildly u gotta wait for the best time say when hes flying straight or something...

          if hes right in front just let rip with the guns on his engines or what i sometimes like to do is quickyl switch to missiles get a lock then fire hopefully before he realises to hit x or that someone has actually fired missiles at him...

          otherwise if ur finding it hard to hit him remember that u have a hell of alot of bullets in that plane cannon...a good way to hit him is to fire into the space that he is going to fly into so he essentially runis into ur fire...basically it takes a bit of time and practice but ull get it eventually...


          • #6
            Re: Jet Gunning Help

            if they are flying straight and your behind them, aim for where you think the cockpit is.

            if they are turning and your somewhat close, aim about two plane lengths ahead. need to increase this lead more the further away you are.

            all of this that i stated is with a 40-60 ping that i average. higher ping means bigger lead and vice verse.

            just practice until you can hold the same lead all the time. really is no better advice than to learn be experience/repetition.

            sorry for typin like ****, 6 month son in my arm at present.


            • #7
              Re: Jet Gunning Help

              alright, thanks ima try these out


              • #8
                Re: Jet Gunning Help

                use joystick.

