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anyone else think the REBEL music when you win is gay?

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  • anyone else think the REBEL music when you win is gay?

    I cant remember how it sounds when we lost a round as Rebels but when you win,lol the music just sounds so gay. For some reason i picture Tellitubbies running around with guns.:laugh:

  • #2
    Re: anyone else think the REBEL music when you win is gay?

    I love it heheh ^_^...they use the bf2 theme in voice form


    • #3
      Re: anyone else think the REBEL music when you win is gay?

      its the best winning music in the game, what you talkin about wilis


      • #4
        Re: anyone else think the REBEL music when you win is gay?

        There was already a thread on how much it rocked. :/


        • #5
          Re: anyone else think the REBEL music when you win is gay?

          I love it, it always cracks me up after a good game
          Maybe I could download it somewhere....:laugh:


          • #6
            Re: anyone else think the REBEL music when you win is gay?

            I don't remember the rebell music, but I think the SAS is very good (loose music).


            • #7
              Re: anyone else think the REBEL music when you win is gay?

              It did make me laugh the first time i heard it, sounds like some hippy music :laugh: . I dont mind it in the least though. The SAS is amusing as well very stiff upper lip


              • #8
                Re: anyone else think the REBEL music when you win is gay?

                lmao, good tune


                • #9
                  Re: anyone else think the REBEL music when you win is gay?

                  I think the music when the USMC and SEALs lose is "gay" (it doesn't sound sad enough, especially considering the Americans aren't a people used to losing battles). I like the music for the SAS a lot. As for the rebels, it does sound a bit weird. But hey, they could have done show tunes .


                  • #10
                    Re: anyone else think the REBEL music when you win is gay?

                    Yea and by "gay" do you mean homosexual or dumb? lol

                    and its a great song !


                    • #11
                      Re: anyone else think the REBEL music when you win is gay?

                      Originally posted by Deez
                      I cant remember how it sounds when we lost a round as Rebels but when you win,lol the music just sounds so gay. For some reason i picture Tellitubbies running around with guns.:laugh:
                      Peronsally, I've found the MEC and US win music from vanilla cheesy since the demo itself. I think EA is just too lazy to come up with some good music this time. (the 1942 music definately overshadows this game for sure)


                      • #12
                        Re: anyone else think the REBEL music when you win is gay?

                        Bring back the 1942 loading theme! It rules!

